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- , <br />_ _ -- -_ ._ -- - _ . . ;., <br />�Aps-°-11-9i° 09m57A 4-lowaa^d Sh�ldora 1-�7,�-i�9-6612 =P_05 <br />.�.P�'-1�-��° THr? 1��5� S�:F r�,� r{�►. gr����m r.7�:,t <br />P�n 5h�ldora r 4- Aprit 10, 199� <br />"I'h� an�l�sis cogn}�l�t�d fo� �e draft n��mora�dur�x was based o�a t�� pe�k houe �f the <br />adja�nt stree�, �rhi�h is �►e criiic�i time period fo� cv�lu�t�.�g #h� �bili� of th� stre�t <br />syst.�zn t� �.cccvmzmoda4e th� ��cied �raf�c Ievels. 1�ddidoas�I info�ation w�s r�q�acst�d <br />oa thc numb�r of #rig�s thai �rould be generated by the mueie �hcatcr du�g th� p�a�t hnur <br />of th� ge��rator (z.e., the th��ter). Atthough dat� �as $vaitable �o� th� Institute oi <br />TranspoatAtion Engineers �ITE) for esgimavng trip $encra�ion foY th� pea}c hour_of th� <br />adja�cnt str�et, ehe I'TE da� for the peak hour of eh� genera�or `vas ��rcmeiy variablc. In <br />ord�r ta dcv�lap a�tt�r �stirnat� for the pe� hour af �h� g��erato�, � traffic count was <br />condctcte� for ar� ex�sti�� movti� thea�er cor�plex ia th� Twin ��ti�s th�t is sir�itar eo the <br />Ca�tnik� iheat�r bein� prop�sed. <br />Counts �vege t�k�n at an cxistin� 2,300 seat movi� tt�ater on � Fziday �i�hY betwe� <br />�:30 p.rn. �u°id 10:00 p.m. °Ii�is time pe�riod �as scicct�cd �o in.clud� bo�h th� vehicles <br />�xitir�� from ��vies ttzat Fkad st�.rted in the �';04 p.rn, to �:00 p.m. slot �nd eh� v�hzc�cs <br />entering f�r movies tf�at urould be staeti�ng in the �:30 to 10:00 p.m, rime slot. Frfday <br />r�i�ht w� s�iecied b�caiue poor �xreather �ras expe�t�d on th� S��urday vg �°ie r�reekerzd <br />�h�t the counc� were takez�. <br />ih� eoua�ts de�cr�bed above resuIted in � trip �enera�ian rate �f O.15 irips p�� sg�t for �he <br />peak ho�r of the gen�rate�r. tJsing thiS trip r�t� to esiirn�t� trips far the pro�os�d <br />2,6��-se�r rnovic theater resulud in a peak trip g�ner��io� of 39? trips per ho�r. TE has <br />be� assaxned that th� tnips gcn�ratcd by the offic� buildings durir�� the peak hot� of the <br />r�ovic thcater trip generatia� would bc ne�li��bie. <br />' ��. �y <br />Th� assi�ent of sate-generatcd tgips fo �he strce4 syste�n was origiaxally based o� th� <br />distribu�zon of cxi�tin� c vvinm�s on tl�c streets, Th+s is �ypicaily the met�od �a�ed <br />for small �raftic stud'aes. Coinments made �t t�ie Pla�ning Com�ussion mg�i:�� indic�tcd <br />tt,at the assumed direciion of �pproach was not consist�nt r�ith travel patten�s �bs�rved <br />by r�siden4s in the area, ConsequentIy a nlore dctailcd analysis, ustaa(Iy used foz gnore <br />comptex tra�c studics, �ras t�scd to refcne the assuined direction of approac�. For xhis <br />an��ysf s, the Metropoiatan Counc�'s rcgional travel forccasting ra�ode� was useci (o assign <br />site $e�era�ed trips to the str�et systcm, ihe resultin� direc4ion o� a�proa�%, �I�owa i� <br />�'ig�� 1, i�c�icat�s tMat nzore of the site �ene�atcd trips w�uid b� destined to th� south an� <br />s�nthw�st �� Cv�ty Road I�-2 and Lon� Lake Ro�d t}ae�i assur�cd prev�ously. <br />Fi�ur� 2 shows thc nurr�bcr of site-gen�ratcd �rips tha€ w�uid be add�d to I,ong C,�k� <br />��ad �d Coun�y IZoad Fi-2 b� the proposed project o� a daaly b��is (the�te� and o�ic�), <br />d�rin� the peak hour of t�e adjacent s�reet {theatex a�d o�"$cg trips}, �nd dttr��g ih� p��k <br />hous of the gcncraeor (th�teg oaly, o�c� taigs �roiald be ra��Iigible). °I`b� propcs��d <br />cievelt��m�ns w�cild r�s�aiY irs i�crcases of b�tw�� ei�a� a�d eleven perc�nt �vcr cxistixi� <br />daily t�� vol�c� on Caurxty �oa.d �i�2 a.�d b����r� sev�z� �d sixtccn pc��et�g �n <br />L.a�g L.akc �ioad. <br />