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, _ <br />&�p-1i-9� �3;O�p� �rom-KENNE�Y � GRAVEN <br />C�ra�ery a�ar�s, st��Ta�a��eis. <br />612337931� T-2i4 P.O�/06 F°i39 <br />�o[�ls, rr�otor bo��ls �d hat��s? p�o�ad�dy [h�c �he lc�z a��� roratai�as np� l�ss €han �iv� <br />h�andr�d (SQi3} s�uace f��i of �oc area p�� �ani�. <br />O�acdc�r �t° �ce ��les r��+ad� th�e��air����ne� af �u�divfsio� �.iQ3 I� of �as Tatle <br />��e sa�.asf�cr,or;l,� r�er. <br />I'rava�e clubs or laci�e� se�vi�g f�sad �d i�ver�ges wi�h u�e being res��ic�ed �o anem�e.�s <br />�an�i ch�ir gues�s. �d�qu�te dxtait�g roQr�, �iGcher� and b�r spa�e m�� be p,���ided �c�ording <br />�� se�ndards xtn�s� �pon si�.ilar unt�sui���d ��stornet o�ra�ions. T'he s��vin� af <br />a�c��olic �ve�g�s co m��b�rs ar�a �hei� gues�s sh�lt be a�low�ds prQVa�d, ch�t �tach <br />se�ic� is ira c�mplaanc� wi�h �pplac�ble ,�edei�i, S�a�� a�d �unic�ip�l r��ulat�csns''. �ff°ic�s <br />of s��h �s� shail � 1imi�ed co �a rn�r� rhan �w��ty perc�n� (20�0) �f tka� gross flaar ar�a �f <br />t�e bu�ld���. <br />�e�tg� sgorea. <br />Res��urFuats, cafes, tea r��s, [a��me, �n- and o#'f-'a1� liquora <br />Taxi ��rmina�s, st�tads �nd offace�. {Ord. 452, 2-27-89; �rd. 5�1> 6°�(;-96) <br />SE�iOI� 3. TitI� i I�4.Oq-, Stt�d_ � o$ the �ounds �lie�v A�Iuni�iga� Eode shali b� aznended by �he <br />adciiuon c�f thc b 1� atad underl�ned l�taguagg ar�d del�tion of the ']anguage �., ��liows_ <br />i 11�_B4: CO I'f`IOI��. YT���e '�",�� �ollowing ate cond'auanal a�aes a� ��-3 <br />.�as�c� (reqtai�ing a car�di��o�a� t�s2 pzrr�ut bas�d ugo;� praeedures s�t far[h �n and reg�lated <br />by SecCioa 1 I2S.tl1 of chis ��de): <br />�ub3. 5. �acse�i for o�¢d�r �al�„s �af ��°aduc�� �pen or ot��door servi�e, �a�.� �ad tcn[�1 <br />as a princ�pai o� �ccessory use :usd a�ciudin� s�les it� o� frotn. anat�r�ded veia�cl�s, <br />Qaalers or wagans; ptovad�d, rhdt: <br />a�u[yide services, Sa.I�S S�i� �91�1�Iitell[ d°�r1I� CAtlIi�C[�d l�+1L�] g�l� pililCl��I I�Se IS <br />lXmit�d �Q [}�i�y ger��nC (3Q%} oi rh� ��s� fl�or arca of rh� prin��pa� �se. <br />h. �tside s�$�s �eas a,� �enc�d or �cseeer�ed fr¢m �iet�► af ���ghborang idetata�al <br />i�ses e�r ar� r�b�aceing R. Aas�acg ira �arnpliattc� wirh s�bc�abisio�� 1�.03.��(1) ihrotagh <br />(5) �f Tk�as °�iCl�_ <br />c. �,il ughti�a$ sb�� � hoaled �nd �� dar�ced ��[ the ligbt �ot�r�e 'ha�l no� � <br />?�e� Chap��xs �Q�9 5�2 �d 5�3 c�� thi� C��; see I�.S_�. ���.�tgP 3�t�Ae <br />5aR-l�!?15 3 <br />t✓�ub35�aq <br />'', <br />`i <br />