<br />SO Form 965 IRev. ?: 79}
<br />R V -0267 2-0 1
<br />(Issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, SeCtIOTI 282.01, Subdivision 1)
<br />THIS MENTURE, made this :31st duty orAtlgcusl, 1q90, between the Stat C or Minnesota,
<br />as party of the First part. -,ln(1 'rlle.CitY Vi-v, a 10C,11 90VOT11iIllelltal Subdivision III tilt,,
<br />State of Minnesota. cis p triy ofthe siro ,(I purl, WITNESSETH:
<br />WHEREAS, the Iand Iscrt.i11f1CC d0S('1-0)cd l ,ls duly loz'f0iled to the State of Minnesota
<br />for the nonpayment of taxes, tmdll
<br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Statutes Section 282.01, Subdivision 1, the party of
<br />the second hart has ;lphiic(i to tllc CunullcsV.uJner Of I:CVCFILIe fur alit, coIwgi1nce of Imids
<br />hereinafter described to be used I)r it cxclusivcl-v 6,r welLmds preserviltion, and,
<br />WHEREAS. the BoarCl Of C't1dltlty L'.1I11111issioners of the C:uullly of Ramsey. State of
<br />Minnesota. bus recommendv4I to illu colnnli"Si011er of RCNe11Ue by resolution adopted on the
<br />loth d;iy ofduly. 1990, that g,ch bL, nl(ttjv.
<br />NOW. THEREFORE, the State of Minnesota, pursuant to said laws ailtl in conslder(Ilion
<br />of the prerrlses, does hereby distil, bargain, sell and Convey unto the p&Ay of the Mond part,
<br />forever. III the tracts or pall-cels of land lViriti and bellig III the Cotility of RaIllsey, State of
<br />Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit:
<br />Lot 9, Knollwood Park, Ramsey Co., Minn., ( it . I , N . 07-30-23- 31-0022) ,
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAIME, together with all Ihe heredilamenls and
<br />appurtenances theretmLo belonging or irl ally -wise appertaining, to tho said party of the second
<br />part so Iongs as it shall continue to use said call i for the purl)ose artareswd, and upon condition
<br />that if such Ilse Shall cease said lillul shall revcrl to the pearly of the ilrsl part, as provid,rl 1w
<br />law.
<br />I.N TESTIMONY wHERLO;k . lilt. Slate Of Milinesola, party of the first p;trl, haS caused
<br />this deed to be e-Necmtd,d In ilti IlmlIC. In lilt. City -1f 5l. Patll, 1;rullscy COUTIty, Minnesota, the dilly
<br />and year first tlbv.e wriiivii.
<br />T I presence of- STATE OF MINNESOTA
<br />}} JOHN P. JAMBS
<br />[•..yr t• es3 .+.i: �'...r� ! �. r Commissioner of Ftravenue
<br />k5,
<br />County of Ramsey 1
<br />011 thin 'last tatty of A(ly;i•ll;l, 1900, before nu: p('rsonully
<br />IliPcarccl MICIIAIsI, P, WANUMACIIllR, the duly 111)ptalnted
<br />re,ltrascnlutive or laic t';;mumiasimier of Rt' umm! of the
<br />t;Wty of Willumsotat, to me known to he the pIt11'sori With
<br />1'-%:rrllledl it i'(11-C90111 ; Canvt•ytuutr In 1)CImIrof' the Slate or
<br />N411im-1-fla. rind ucknwvIV gVd Ilti,t lu s:xr'ruled Ilu, sttllte
<br />(III-, free ,wl and +;lecd of --mW slate lltlrsil,ltll lu the
<br />Stilt It l e;l I t I VI101 um$e Illude. Fla if pI'm il tea 1.
<br />116,
<br />My Commission Upiros C I, 2.. 10fl4
<br />