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Resolution 6616
City Council
06500 - 06999 (2005-2007)
Resolution 6616
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Last modified
6/25/2019 10:11:01 AM
Creation date
1/31/2007 10:17:40 AM
MV City Council
City Council Document Type
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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />2. A bidder shall not be deemed a :'csj1ol1siblc biclcler if Olll' or mOle 0: thc follc)\Nlllg UC:l:U;'S <br /> <br />a Conviction for commission of a cri:l1inal olTensc ,is ,',11 IIlc:cier.t cO "lx;I:ni:ig c!' :i:lcmpLlllg :,' <br />obtilin a public or private eUll(r"ct or sllbcontract, or in the performance o!' [ht: cunlract or <br />subcol1truct; <br /> <br />b. COllviction tinder state or federal staluks of embezzlement, lheft, forgery, bribery, f,llsification u: <br />destrllction of rccords, recciving stolcn propcrty, or other ofiense indicating a lack of business <br />integrity or business honesty that currently, seriously, and directly affects responsibility as a state <br />contI a~:lur; <br /> <br />C. COl1 viClioJl 11l1ckr state or federal antitrust statutes nrISlllg out of the submission of bids or <br />proposals; <br /> <br />d. Violation of COl1tract provisions on other projects, as set forth in subite1l1s (I) and (2); <br /> <br />1) Fnilure without good cause to pcrlarm according to the specifications or within the time limit <br />provided ill the conlract; or <br /> <br />2) ,\ reeG"t record of bihre 1.0 perform, or of 1111s,;tisfilctory pcriurmance, according to t!ie <br />terms of olle llJ' Ilhlre conlrads; provided tlwt ll1i~ fllilure to perform OJ ullsat:slaCLOr)l <br />perfornwncc was not caused by acts beyond the control of the cornraetor. <br /> <br />3 Bidder Qunlificiltions: <br /> <br />a. This prl)ject involves a tl1tal rehaoilitatiol1 of MOlll1ds View City Hall. The City Hilil ilS it exi,ts is <br />a patchwork of buildings constructed Juring 4 diJIercllt pha~es; 1 9G I, I Y7 5, 1994 iHid I Y90. Ti:is <br />projcct must reconcile various systems and do so in a timely lU;lnnel' to avoid additiollnl1easing <br />rc~~s lh(~~ \.\';il he ilL~;IU;.;d ~)). ~h..~ ()\\':H:.~.r. [c acidii.~Oll, t~le Chvn:..~r ha....: liirJilcd IlildllL:ltJ :.l'~:)~;i\:t.~~) i'.l <br />commit to the pro)ccl. I\ccordingly, the project must be accomplished with a mil1lmum or <br />inicrruj.ltioll, Oil time, and without cost overruns. Therefore, the Owner will be considering the <br />quality ;]nJ expcrience o1'thc low bidder prior to awarding the contract. <br /> <br />b. The apparent low biclclcr will be asked to submit the Bidder's Qualification Submittal Form <br />(;:ttached to this Document) for thc OWller & Architect's use in evaluating contractor's <br />qllalilications within 7 days ofthc hid opcning. <br /> <br />c. The Owner will awuru :1 contract to the low responsive and responsible bidder, <br /> <br />cl i\ c:ondil.iUil of ~he contract is that the contractor mi.lst keep the lead construction aclministrator <br />(supcrintc:ldenl/project manager) specified on the bid 3S the lead construction administrator <br />(supcrintendcnt/project manager) fi)I" the project. The only exceptions will be if the person is not <br />physically or mClJtally able to perform those duties or is no longer employed by the cOlllractol. !\ <br />replacemcntlcacl constl1lction 3dministrator mllst meet the qualifications of this Section 00452. <br /> <br />c. 1\ biclcler will :lOt he considered as i1 conlr,lctor for this pmjectllnless the biddcr rcceivcs a rating <br />or a ;east I U JloinlS, ns dderminecl by the Architect a:lr! tbe Owner, lISillg t[lC rol!owilig SYS'Clll for <br />assigning points. <br /> <br />Bidders ()l.J[jII:icatioll Forms <br />~_.______.__'R_"'__'____'~_'__'_'_"._" <br /> <br />00452 - 2 <br /> <br />MOUND040301 <br />
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