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dpril 28, 1959 <br />�eeting oalled to order aL 8;50, meubers present: <br />ilem6ere oY a�unoil present: Aaayor .11len Crane, Earl Smith, ° <br />Fflel Chriatenson <br />Reoreation oomittee: L:3rilyn Dawaon, kenny Simauson, Hepry <br />Tryelin, Earl 9arry, Glen :`�ikee� .iline F:ita, Florenoe Peterson <br />Our entire budget is ;�6,0�`0.00 oP whioh Y1,500 <br />!a given ovsr Lo 7,ukeside P�rk. The amonnt Eor reore�tion is <br />�4,500.00 pins 3430.00 deoided on by the aocnoil. Connail is <br />to pnrohase large equip�ent tor moving and grading. It not <br />gnrahased in Lhree aeeka, we have permis�ion Lo bq� a amsll <br />mover. <br />Swiag se�te, olampa and baok atope riae to be ordered <br />b� Ben ESnLaler. Sqinga to be put up ond painted. <br />Gr�ding of ia?1 fields ulso to be done. <br />xieefLng adjourned aL 10:15 P.i�. <br />tiest meeting Sisy 17, 8:00 P.F�:. at village hall. <br />�eapeotPully Sub. <br />Seo. Florenoe Petareon <br />