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.; <br />'J6�IIi1D5VI�"! P.BCREATIC\ CO,L'?xT:E. JtiSTI'dG SdA1C 7� 1959 <br />The meeting was calle3 to or3er at 9:30 at the hoae of Alice Frits. <br />D&inutes of the meetin6 weie rer�d. <br />Alice Frits raports to Vi?Lage fdr. G�y Harmon requested letter <br />for use of baseb all fields of H12iview and Gre�nfield on <br />Tuesdqys and Frid�ys from 1z:30 to 3:00. Suggestious were made <br />tbat ae send letser infor�uin; him as such. LetCer sent t��y 13. <br />plso letter sent for appointment af Henry Ayslen as member of <br />our group to the board. <br />5ar1 Barry to contact Dan Wendt on cast of backstops. <br />itilt Stole Contacted Northeest Bell and Northern States Yar�.:_ <br />oa removing poles from pleygr�uads ehich will ba dane not before <br />thirty days at the earliest. Tt�ey Rill also replace with unde� <br />groun�9 xires on the Oakwood pl�yground. <br />Jack mestioned Frank Skiba was consulted on takin� humps out oP <br />:.ambert field riak and outfield. <br />Jack Sullivan Lo talk to Perry :�alvin for maintensace wOrk on <br />pl�yygr�uads. Jack t� offer 1.50 an hour to start. <br />411ce made motlon to do so sec,udsd �y �ari7yn. I�otioa carriad. <br />Yilt was asked if plsnning commission ha3 discussed future site <br />For ple�y�tounfls. <br />Dick Nelson ta be apnroached on beiqg a member oF our assaciation. <br />Discussion Ras held on futher gra3ing and erecting of backstaps snd <br />benchea. Ralph Feterson Aas ta pick up lumber for pl�,yer benchea <br />and put such on eECh pleygr�uc!d. (Truck not available at the t�me '_:_, : <br />these minutes Lypsd.) <br />;; <br />