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,R�Cf?EAT?QN CaA"�.'ITTEE d?�FTING July 21, 1960 7;80 P.T.I. Village Hall <br />� Attendance; Hod�es, Sim�nson, Dawson, Dyslin, ?•Iagq, TPr. Birdsall <br />� <br />-- Tt has been decided that any bills char�ei by �Ar. Birdsall <br />for the recreation com:itU6e, and any time that he has put in for <br />reornation� is to be turded in to Simonson twice a month; on the flrst <br />end the fifteenth, <br />Nr. Hirdsall has been told to construct �vooden ramps �vith <br />rails to the skating rinks from Che warming houees. Also he is to rebuild <br />the seats in tha warming houses, and Y,o repaint all the warmin�; houses. <br />A.7r. Dy�lin requested ?�r. 3mith to checic into the lend on <br />Woodcreat betwean Sunnyside Road and Brighton Lane, on the North side <br />of Woodcrest for a play�round. <br />SIZES OF THE PLAYGROUN�F ^.'AF;ET7 FROM THE SECT!ON AfiAPB <br />Lambert--473.87 x 294.26 <br />Hillview--300.Ei9 x 462.9A <br />Greenfield--1,321.13 x 530 '. <br />Oakwood--150 z-419 <br />Hodges ia �oing to check with the county courtF.ouse on <br />boundaries of Hillview pinyground. <br />The canmittee went with Nr. Hodges to Johnson Pond to see <br />juet where the 33� easement is, end to decide whore to reiocate the <br />rarming house. The easement is from Peirchild to tha pond, and r+r.Birdsall <br />said he could �et his tractor in there to make a road, and it was <br />�deaided to move the warming house ecross the pond to where the new <br />road would be. <br />Mr. Birt�all wss instructed to huy roofing and pc�int and to <br />paint and put a nee roof on Johnson Pond warming h�use. <br />r <br />Residence of A.4r. Birdi�ll: <br />2110 Hiliviear NB <br />Respectfull submitted, <br />Sec. 111,�l�.�M+rio+� - <br />