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Reoseation Committee Meeting Oct. 5, i96o...�:CO P,M. <br />I.�cation: Village Hall <br />Attondanae: Hodges, Nagy, Simoneon, Daweon, Wikre <br />On Oakwood Playground the Sodding is ee$�eie completed. <br />The ground ie too eoft to level Yor the ekating rink, at thie time. <br />At Lambert playground the eeats ineide the houee have <br />teen widened. <br />At the 3e t. 26, 1960 oouncil meoting, the reareaticn <br />aommittee wae iven �7,200.00 ($200.00 for the baeoball league) <br />An additional �2jD0.00 wsa given for Lakeeide Park. <br />Mr• Hodgee s�eaid that at the next aouncil meeting ho <br />xould make the reoommendation that Birdeell be paid on a monthly <br />baeie out of recreation funde...$2,400.00 per year or �200.00 <br />per month. Full time ae a reereation employee with vaaation benefite <br />eSa.--but if he does r�ork for the village he would be pald by the <br />village. <br />An extra key ehall be made of eanh warming house look <br />for the village offioe. <br />It wae rdoom�ended tkae Hirdeell purahaee additional hose <br />to water the playgrounda, <br />The oo�ittee ahecked 9lmoneon'6 draxinge of each <br />playground vith intended improvements, and approved them. He <br />rrill make 50 oopiee of saoh. <br />The oommittea hae decided to pur¢haee for next year <br />a IDaricer :o: :�e bell YLelde and a po;er mower for infield eod etc. <br />Mr. B2rdee1l ie to use on the playgrounde L.`.a ;yv p^�?9 �ped <br />Lhat ie Sn the village hall, <br />►lr, Hodgee eaid that a man oame to him to have a <br />ridge removed on hie land that had b:en left bq the �gQ-highway <br />orewe in buSlfling the highway, Hodgea eug�eeted that the man pay <br />to have it removed or eplit the ooet and give the playground Lhe dirt. <br />The next meeting will be Noveaber 2, 1960. <br />� Marilyn Daweon <br />