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R�CREATIGN C01�4SITiEE MEETIN6 NOV. 2, i96o <br />LOCdTION: VILLAf3E HALL <br />ATTENDANCIC: Wikre, Nagy, Simoneon, Hodges, Daweon, Dyelin and <br />gueet Mr. Hwrmon <br />Mr, Hodgee read a letter irom Mr. Hsrmon about Yigure <br />ekating a� hoakey leasans to be given on our rinks. Harmon euggested <br />a more compreheneive program oi park develo�ent to include sll agee. <br />dleo he euggeeted We fully develop one park ae an example. In osee <br />xe flood our rinke over grass, a method rae explained ae to how to <br />preeerve Lhs graee oace the las etarte to melt. <br />Th� treaeurer'e report xee read and at the end of Sept. <br />th� palanoe left on Lhe booke is �i �59•3g• <br />The minutes oi the lao� meetiag wer� read, and it rsa <br />requeetei that txo oepiea of tku seoretary�a rsport be made for the <br />treasur�T and oha3r�at►. Al�o th� �r�psAr repert ehould aontain a liet <br />oi Uniinishsd busin�es aad Nsr �einees, ae rell ae finieh�l bueiaees. <br />Ot t.h� next oounoil meeting, Mr. Hodges will requeet that <br />a�10.00 oheok be given to the aeoretary for post csrde, etampe etc. <br />Alao Hoig�e rill oontaot Txin City Paviag, ths fira xho hawled dirt <br />lrom Red 0ak 8ohool to our Oakrrood and Hillviex plsygrounda, about <br />Lh�ir all�gedly �zoeaeiv� bili. <br />8lniahed Hueineas: Mr. BimoAeon got s lsae� for �1.00 <br />iron th� villaga or � to be ueed ae a ekatiag rink. The rink <br />ie aospleted. <br />Bkating rinks at Oakxood (on the Northweet corner) <br />ead oa Lamb�rt (on WeeE eid� of the ditoh) ar� oompleted. Leubtrt al�o <br />hae a hookey rink. <br />The hoolcey and Pleaaurt ekating rink oa FIi11Kex ar� done. <br />Unfinish�i BuelaeesS Lambert varming houee ie So be movsd. <br />,�yo�a yo „��^o _nn� on the right oi vay in ths Txelve Oaks <br />Area for a ekating rint. <br />Dnplioato keye for eaoh rarmfng houe• are to be made and <br />�torsd la th� village hall. <br />Jo� Huffiagton (addreee: 2103 Oakwood Driv� Nep Hri�►ton 12) <br />T�1.No. 8u 4-5294 0/0 Charley N. Pet�reon) ie to be hire� ae attendant <br />at th� Laeb�rL xarming hous�. <br />We are dieoontinuing the rink at Johneon Po�. <br />Shou13 t!u quonset hut on Johnaon Poad that le exn�d by tlu <br />village, be mov�i to Oskrood pla4yground to be uesd ae a etorag� eh�iY <br />Mr. Biaoneon rill es� Hirdesll about rh�th�r the etovs lneidf <br />the quoneet huS o�► bs �slvaged for uee at ths nex xsrming houet at <br />Oakrood. Outsiir respa ar� to be oonatruoted on ths warming houau.= <br />An atteniant i• needsd for the varming houe� aL Oekrood. <br />A�no�r broom ie aeedsd for the Oslnrood warning houee. <br />Mr, Hirds�ll should paint tihe Oakrood werming houe� am aoos ' <br />a� it is built. <br />oontiaued on page 2 <br />