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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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P:iDCE'�DIft(3S OF THE VTLLAG� CODNCiL <br />7ILL 1G^ OP ;�OUfID i VI�•1 <br />i� 1f i = �St COi1NTY <br />i'IP?P?� �OTA <br />The ie�ular meeting of the I_ounns 9i��� Vi11ag� Council �•�as <br />callei: to order at 8:00 P.I_. January 9, 1961 by i:ayor A11an B. <br />Crane at the Rec? Oak ichool. <br />I:ei�bers Present; <br />I�ayor: Allan 3. Crane <br />Trustees: Donald C. Hodges <br />P^rry I:alvin <br />Cler!c; Lloyd J. 3lanenard <br />Attorney: Richard I�eyers <br />iiembers Absent: <br />Trustee Christensen entered the meeting at �:45 P.;.. <br />The £ir,t orcler of business �aas reacting of the minutes. <br />Clerlc Blanchard read the rainutes of the December 12� 1960 meeting. <br />� � , �--y..•� s. � •.,.*�� <br />1�iV�iGI1 vid5 111duB iljy ri0iige3 SZCGii«6u J;Y ..a+�L. t^v dCC2p.. h.^,.^�.:.:.,�...... <br />as read. 4�yes for approval� motion c8rried, <br />The minutes of the meeting of December 19� 1960 �uere read by <br />Clerls Slanchard. I:otion hy I�alvin, seconded by FIod�es to approve <br />the minutes as read. 4[�yes for approval, motion carried, <br />Clerk 3lanchard read the rninutes of the January 3� 1961 <br />meeting. The year in the tirst paragraph �•tas changecl from 1960 to <br />1961. Attorney l:eyers suggested that the salaries of the I�ayor and <br />the Trustees should be spelled out in the mint�tes. Trustee Hodges <br />moved� lialvin seconded to accept the minutes as corrected, 4 Ayes <br />for apnroval, motion carried, <br />The next item nr �+nsiness t�ras appointnents and naming of <br />comniltees Por the year 1961. 4Iotion b�• l:ayor Crane� seconded by <br />Hodges to accept the Finance Comoittee merubers (see list attached), <br />4 Ayes for approval� motion carried, <br />I:otion by iiayor Crane� seconded by Iialvin to accept the License <br />Committee L�e.*ibers (see list attactied), 4 Ayes for approval� aotion <br />carried. <br />l;ayor Crane moved� secondeti Sy IIalvin to accept the Police <br />Commissi.on nei:ibers �see list attached). 4 Ayes for Approval� motion <br />carried. <br />IIotion by Idayor Crane� secondec� by 3lanchard to accept the Fire <br />Sub-Comraittee menbers (see list attaclieci). 4 Ayes for approval� <br />moi:ion carried. <br />i:ayor Crane moved, seconded by IIodges to accept the Building <br />anci Zoning Sub-Comaittee raembers (see list attachecl). 4 Ayes for <br />approval, motion carrieQ, <br />Iiayor Crane r.noved� seconded by lialvin to accept the Civil <br />Defense Suh-Com:iittee uembers (see list attached). 4 Ayes 3'or <br />approvalt motion carried. <br />liotion e�as raade 0y I�ayor Crane and secondecl b� Dlanc'rtard to <br />accept tiie PuBlic �,lor?;s Connitteer�eriSers (see list attached), <br />TruStee Hodges rras of the opinion that i;i. �Iciba should also be a <br />member of this Comii�tee; hotrever� it eras decided that a Village <br />employee i�ould tnen have a vote on Villa;;e afiairs and this should <br />not be, 4 Ayes for approval, motion carxied. <br />l;ayor Crane moveci and I;aivin seconded a motion to accepc the <br />Parlcs and Plavgrounds Comiittee meribers (see list attached). 4 Qyes <br />for approval, �aotion carrie4. <br />
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