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..,.�i'i' ..IiE I..:YG��U::L' CCi:,::,.Ii'i'� �i' ...GU::D,.VI::.,, VIL.'.__Gi.• <br />;::�t Feb. 8, 19nI <br />-' .ttend�noe: Hodgee, ;'likre, N�gy, Barry, : ..:on&on, �:_��ieon <br />.ib86rit: Ibltn$ <br />There was a disoussion .bout our u�aintetiunoe worker <br />2:r. Amos 3irdsell Jr. <br />u motion lvas made, seoonded =�,d aarx•ied to relieve �;os oi <br />h1s duties. ',1a will sak Gus Lurr�on, the uttsndant e�t Hillniew Rink <br />Lo do mainLenanoe work on Saturduya. <br />;Ve will have to get together all Lha oou,mittee tools and <br />equipsrh� th;.t Amoa hse: <br />Hose for pur,ip irailer, 4-wheel <br />Soaker hose Trailer hitoh <br />S9ooden lad_tar Saw <br />Tin eni�s <br />:he aonunittee is to oheo.� on z� plaae to stoxe our tESOtor <br />aud trailer. <br />Treasurex's Report: IVew DaYiolt: ,�881.48 <br />In Jan. our bills us:ountad to �43�.47 (gas, L;afnten�ae, sttend- <br />ants eto.) <br />Hew Bueineas: er. Barxy thought we ahould oren and heat a <br />warrning house on SNring I�ake Por iae sk3ting, und the seoretary was <br />ins�ruoted to wriLe a letter to the membars of the i,akeside Park <br />Commieaion abouL this.(See attsohed ao�y). <br />3L wae niigg56Lo�'a tY.^at � ySYS be Y�=.^ fTO!i! th� c��.ains to eaoh <br />rink f or tlooding. (Inelude in new r,inutes) <br />`� 'Ne mnst pnrohasa a lime sprea8er Yor the baseball diamonde. <br />ALr. Hodges is going to Yill out a foxm Por the c�eareation <br />and Park Yearbook Yor 1960. This book fs issued aver�� Pive years <br />at no ezpense to us. <br />Tho mext meeting will be L:,:roh l, '.�ed. at the Vill:gre Hall. <br />Sec. Liarilyn Dawson <br />� <br />� � 7i <br />�j n...�F � N�,e�.. . s,�.:.�,..�.— <br />