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.._�_G�_�_.:. :.:.._ 1�iG �_ iii.� _. .__ :" _,. ;v_....,:i�. _ _.,�....1�__� <br />�..-iC� 1�� 19�3 <br />�i�. �i,,:onson, .1'OC�oO`u� _�J..`�',",� � JC(1.-i..11c'.U.:.01i� :��.i.WlSOR� �,J.1"_j <br />Iblings...,;ulter 3kioa visitin� <br />'l'ne rur�ose of this �.�eeting :aae to dra�: uN ::t�eoi- <br />licatione for the ball dia,�onds. <br />:..r. 3ohu.�ihuusen u.ude tne a:otion tc �od the in�ields <br />in n0' �nd bring in the outfield �od in witnin 5' o� 90' b�se <br />paths. :..x•. Iblings seoonded the motioi,. <br />:._r. 3arry u��.de the :rotion to ��ut out uids on all <br />three di�;:onds �vith an sltern..te of �ne. ::.r. Si..�onson seaondad <br />the n:otion. <br />Zblings is drz�wing up neva speaifiaations �nd Hodgea <br />will advise the 8odding aompanies. <br />Skiba gsve us the priae oF water fauoets for the <br />plaSg�rounds. They rall be ';4n.35 ap3eoe �nd for the labor fn- <br />volvad the estimated total oost Por four Pountains v�i11 be ;�500.00 <br />The f ountaine ri11 be used Yor wateri�g the sod also. <br />�IesL meeting will ue :;Nri1 5. <br />Seo#� <br />�� � <br />Tk°w oocnail Oa'd the a,.pointa:ent o� :::r. Sohaf:hausen to the <br />aommittee. <br />t�..t�q.. �C°-,M �-O /9e�..�..yy-,-�-W�-r,�.9... R- �-Y�7..F-.F�'�I-ra�,.�.•` <br />. p <br />