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:ark und -13;.grouud �ou.:..ittee : evting <br />.:pril 12, 19o1..,d;JO Hodgbs'Home <br />.lttandu.noe: Nsgy, iiodges, 3arry, 3imonsun, 3ahaiY�susen, Dawaon <br />visiting--..r. Kretoamer Prom ::SY <br />Ty�ies oY lighting were disoubsed Yor the sk3ting rinics <br />Simonson made a motion that ae aooept Houle's bid <br />oY $595.00 Por eod plus 2 lo�.ds oP blaok dirt per dia,;:,ond and <br />one load oY olay per dlamond. The motio�, way seoonded by <br />3ahaPYhausen. <br />Llagy made a motion, thaL was seoonded, th.:t we <br />purohaae 4 permanant home pl�tee. <br />Tix� eomwittee is going to drat up a sahedule Yor <br />.ldoe i�irdsell aa to watering and keeping up the parkS, xnd <br />Will dieouss it wiLh hi:n. <br />3eo. i'%��-�y�. � <br />