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<��ks .K.d -1wj�roi::1::� �o._m.ttc;e ..�eting <br />_..ay 3, 19ti1 <br />3iLendanae: Hod$ea, �iu,onson, us��son, .iikre, 3ch:.3'�hausen, <br />^Iagy, Iblings, Birz�- <br />'.le disaussed tha spaaiiioations �or the d-riukiu� <br />fountaina. 3lrnonson made a wotion, seo�nded by SohafPhuusan, <br />that we order Ponr drin� fountains: Ha�s drinking fountain, <br />L:odel 12 8 B2, y7o.00 �,ieoe �lus �reight, �0" in hei�ht. <br />Bide vrill be suUn;itted for their installation. <br />Iblings muda a mot3on, seaonded by Barry, to bttiq <br />four �,ex7naner�t honie Nlates r;nd a lina u:arker. <br />Hsg�y vrill purohvae them. �aoh plate :aill oost <br />�14.95 esoh, und the field mari� r will oost :"�37.50. <br />Trte nexL �aeeting iiill be dune 7. <br />Sec. �M�yn.�.r�- �+c+•wa.o.— <br />_ � <br />