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_.EOi•��.tion �::o:..;:.itt::e :-�: Ling �cne :;�, 19di <br />.,ttendwnoe; ::i�..onson, ..agy, �:rr;,, _a.v�oai, :iod�e�, <br />visiting...,.a:.Aa .;siva, ..eti�� y:nge, ... _.. do�;�;on, <br />I,es i:uutson <br />The Nnrrose of this n:e_ting .ius to o�+en tba oidb un <br />the instullution oY the drinking Yountain�o <br />There �vare thrae �ide.(see :.ttaahed oopy) <br />A motioa ro•iu� m,.de by 5lmoneon, 2nd 'oy :;agy, th�.t the <br />deoision on the bide ue hel�' over until th� 1ow bid suY,�lied the <br />aoi:.�,letion date. nodges oailed the loev bidder, �.r. �ilurrtson, <br />r�ici Giioertaou said tr.,.� he ..c..13 59Ld in u letter �t�ting Auguat 1 <br />as hie oompletion date. <br />.i u:oti�n .v�s w�.de by bimo4son, seoouded b� B�.x°ry, thut <br />tne aon::uat be a�,v�rded to Gilbextaon oa reaaigt oY his letter <br />st�ting the noc,plation dute, whioh ehould 'oe reoeivad in one week. <br />a registared let:er �rill be sent to the low biddar <br />at§ting that the bid wiii uo a�c��::�•3 en rAnei��t o� the bidder's <br />lat�er stating oomplation d�te oY august 1, 1901. <br />c'riday, �une 23, at 7:J0 i'.::.. the oou,...ittee titill me�t <br />at the village hall to aheok over the ple3.;;gr�und grading. <br />3earetary, <br />r, <br />rh�C.,� � �r- <br />