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r�L' :LNl' YI..;YGiiGuND C�;..:,.ITT�r� �..�.:TING <br />Jan. 4, 19e2 <br />attendanoe: 3odges, 3lmonaon, Barry, L'a�y, Dativaon, Iblinga, <br />SahafPhauaen <br />The Yollowiag is a lisL oY itema under dieoussion <br />at thia meeting: <br />1. IIiYYerent typea oP traotors Eor snow reWoval on <br />rinks. <br />2. Better vays to assign work dne on the parka. <br />3. Paying mileage to the maintenanoe man. It wae <br />deoided the mileage will be oompensaLed for in hours. <br />4, Tax assessment Por mater taken from park Pnnds. <br />5. Thinga to be done on Zambert P3rk rink: <br />a. Build li�ht pwi.tah 6nz, <br />b. Fia switoh so plug worka when lights are oPY. <br />o. �'lood rink to edge oY ramp. <br />d. Find the attendanta' loat broom. <br />e. �'laoe trash barrells in eeoh houee. <br />Sapept for Iblinga vrho bowla on Thnradeys at 9;00, <br />all aommiLtee members are Prae on Thurs. nights, so our nest <br />meeting will be on Feb. 8, 1962. <br />Two more new membere will be Yoand to re�,laoe �t7ikre <br />and D;�elin vho mnst resign due to other oommitmeats. <br />SeC. ``�� n ,� I�w.�.a.a'r� <br />.�.�u-�. <br />