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t..:ti8 _i:ID Y�1G:i��::L CG'u':i:;IT'ie;i, :.".:.��TI=J(i <br />fGaroh 1, 1962 <br />dttendanoe: Hodges, Si:.onaon, DaHeon, Bag3, Sha�.'%hausen, <br />Edberg <br />�is. Ral��h Edberg is our new member. He lives <br />at 7870 Greenwood Dr., E.inneapolia 21, L:inn., telapkone <br />ao. 3a 4-5233. <br />I�r� 8imcnaoa made a moiion that �odgee ask the <br />aot3hail agenda meeLing to lat the Park und Pla ground <br />Committee etuzt the 1962 seeaoa with the Enll �8,000.00 <br />budgeS, and all overdrapn Ynnds aome out oP general Pimds. <br />Also aek that the Bitewatoh Units he pa18 tor out oP gen�ral <br />Punde, and to Yind out iF we are all through aaitla 8asea on <br />tha parke. Thie motion wsa eeoonded by B;r. 3hafPhauae�, an@ <br />the �otion was aarried. <br />The Yonth 3otivitiea Coumiittee is a new oommittee <br />that has been Pormed, aud the Park and Playground Committee <br />will be reaponsible Por buying aquipment Por the YdC, to be <br />used in the village hall. <br />}4otion waa made by Shaff{�ausen, seoonded by Nagy <br />and Garried, that Hodgee work out a prograa: with Walter 3kiba <br />and preeenL it to tha oormiittee Por it'a approesl, Yor a <br />better way to 000rdinate park maintenanoe. <br />The rinke will be kept open Saturdays and <br />8nndays Yrom 1:00 to b:00 P.�. a000rding to attendanoe and <br />woather. <br />The treaaurar's report as oP Jr�n. 31, 1962 wae <br />�7.246.00. <br />9eoratary,,_ <br />� f-�'' <br />��C.'ki:�.�� iJ�,.� <br />Bea Park AdQreases; <br />Hillvier; 7901 Greenwood Dr. y�ple. 21 <br />Laambsrt: bE84 Jaokeon Dr. gop Brighton 12 <br />Oakwood:5584 Qnlnoy gep grighton 12 <br />(ireonYieid 7901 4reenEield Av. ldpls. 21 <br />