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PA� aND PLt1YGE0tiND CO:iu.:ITl::e� 'rr�TING Augus� l, 1962 <br />8;00 P.Ir:. Pillago Hall <br />Attendanoe: 9hatfhanaen, 3lmoneon, bagy, 8arry, Hodges, Dawaon, <br />adyerg s <br />&t Oataood Yield, t}� drinking Ponatain has a leak in <br />the nadssgrouud pipa whioh will have to be fizad. 81eo, iL wsa <br />deolQsd Lo lsy oonorale iiQe�lke behind the baokeLop, and to nse <br />iill and eod on the bsnk. Ta�o trsee are to be onS doan. <br />On iambert Pield Hodges Will aek Lloyd'8 1SaoaTating to <br />till and level the ball d�amond. The englneere will ba asked to <br />pnt in leveliag etakee. Hodges wi11 oheok on what it will oos4 to <br />have hoode an8 winge mada fos 7�ambeas and Greeniield baokatopa. <br />Ig the 1968 bnflgeL wo aill 3nolude bleaohera tor 7,ambert <br />and Hilliiew. <br />8o3gee will sak the eonnoil for a epeolal meating with <br />the reoreation oommi0tee. Una oP the thinge ta be disonaaed aill be <br />the YlooQina ot Lhe rinke by the aater deparLment. <br />Hew balance at the end o� Jnly 1 ia $6�ib1.56. <br />Sacretary, - <br />��,i.�_.L�.,, �rv'_�.�..��.�. <br />