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::i.s. _.::1' �i�.Yl:_;:;u.IL' C�=._:.Ii'�i:�.. ,..-�.:ii..iG <br />L'eb. 7, I963 <br />dLtendanoe: Hodges, bdberg, &�rry, &�gy, ShaYYhausen, Simoneon, Bawson <br />The Lreasurer aubmitted a seport on the pop maohine. <br />The maahine was purllt►asefl F�arnh, 1962 tor N211.50, paid Por out oP <br />Punds alloaaLad to thia aomn,ittee. Expensed oY tne maohine sinoe l�.st <br />}�arnh have toLaled �110.30. The total grose auiount t�ken Prom the <br />pop maohine ainoe iSarah, 1962 to Deo. 31, 1962 ie �E56.o0. <br />The treasnrer's report inaluded the eapenaes and <br />balanoe oi Punde ior the year ending Dea. 31, 1962. <br />Bndget �8.000.00 <br />F._s�anaea 7.191.08 � 818.92 <br />1 .9 Pop B:aohine..•.,. 256.50 <br />Balanoe aL end oY �>ear.... ,r�l, .42 <br />The treasurer tix. KenneLh Simone�n enbmiited hie <br />reeigastion as oP this date Prom thia oommittee. With deap regret <br />the oomurittee aooepted hie reaignation. We are now threa membess <br />short. <br />Hodgea said that he has presented to the oounoil <br />a plan Yor an additional building Yor storage oP village equipme,�t. <br />VPe reoommed to &he oounoil that the Park mainLenanoe eqn.ipment be <br />separated �ram the ♦illage maLnLenanoe equipment, and also reoommend <br />that sll ap�,lioatione to the village Por work be oheoked Yor a <br />poseible park mainLenanoe employee. <br />Fur. 8odgas will su'omit to� the oounoil a resolution <br />paese8 by Lhe oommiCtee LhaL any oomplainta ahould be reYerred to <br />the Park and Plsygronnd Oommittee meeLing Yirat. <br />4fs dieoussed the problem ot onr 6-�oot broom Yor tha <br />traotor. Thie wee a seoond hand eruom ahan reoeived, and iL Pell aparL. <br />Paymonti hae basn etopyed until we deoide what to do. The broom neede <br />to be reoore3. Ths brietlee at present are palmyra Pibre. IL ts <br />poesible to reoore it aith steel brietlae, but thie ie muoh more <br />ezpenaiva. 9hatPhauaen and Hodgea will oheok on t61a matter Ynrther. <br />YPe also need a ea3ety gnard on the po*er take-oYY ohain. <br />Our naxS meating will be E:onduy, L:�.soh 4, 1963. <br />9eoretaxy, <br />���� ���� <br />� <br />