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rw.,ii ...i:. i:.=Y'i1_.�U :72 CU..:,.1Y1�.�., ..__._i1.dU <br />Vi11:=�,e H:.11 7:.i0 -:iu d�:t. o, 19ob <br />dttendrinne: iiodges, an -flhausen, Ba.rry, :.�cibex•g, Na� , Dacvson <br />�he ;.setiug ol��x.ed vaith a d'asou3sion on lightin� the <br />hoakey rinks at Hillbiew a.nd Lymioert fields. 3odges will ask <br />�:r. 800g to send a letter to IJ�' about the oost oY Noles and <br />lighting ior tne two ioe riuks. <br />:: li�ht pole h�.y uean in�talled on Oakwood rield for <br />eleatrioity Lo tne tivr�r:,:ing house. <br />'r'ie ctill ask l.r. Boog to �,l�.oe an ad in the bulletin <br />�or waxwing housa attendant.�. dpYlios.r.ts niust be st least high aahe <br />saho�l seniors or older� and agglicants should subwit an a��pli- <br />oation and re3erenoes to tne hz�11. <br />Tha seoretary is to :�sk mec:;bera o3 tha women's ball <br />taz�m about sta.ting a girls' �oPSna11 ie�n, %o on .YjiULlAVi23 by <br />the louth �iotivity Cou�..ittea, this te� to be Purnished •Nith <br />e$uipment b5 the villa�e 3unds. <br />1'ne women s tea;,� will be usked to play tueir garnes <br />at tne village hall soitbail di�ona, instead o� the playground <br />diawonda. <br />Tha oomcnittee �u�de :uid oarlied <br />pur�hase a oyale mower. <br />tiJe disousaed a skating rink and <br />Spring Lake, and tabled sotion until it oan <br />the I,akeside Park Con�mittee. <br />There waa a Yuvorable reantion <br />as r�dditional playgrouud equi�,uient. <br />The total e�penditure� to Sept. <br />y�'i6,077.73. <br />the uotion to <br />warming house on <br />�e taken up wi th <br />to parallel bars <br />5, 1963 were <br />The nest meeting will be Oot. 3, 1963, at whioh <br />ti.:s we will dieouse next ye�re' budget. <br />3eo. �-y <br />'� ,�`1.'✓1 � - W �..-t.`cd*.� <br />