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Pn .L]' :'',i. � •.•) n,�' . . '� � . 'i <br />. .._ 1:1 ..'�� ."�Jiy <br />.rf'.::.�.1.4;:1•Rd: ..i^.�,. _:.'�. � Lu uWy �`.� � Fi) �''�Y,Ja 5�.1 {h:tCSC:. <br />Don H�pward� guest� s� lesman °or '-'�.� 3cle .?.qui rr:ent Co. r�.a]�.r-.r^ <br />�;" �tay?round equipment. ]bn A�y�nrd <br />30fi 22nd <br />Ameea Soxa <br />The co�dttee'e exnendi.tures for 1963 rmre "r?�K?" ��. <br />Yr. }Iqwazd submdtted a pronosed �is+, ot erni'^ment for the <br />ri].lage hsll park aitathat totaled. "¢3,iTg•�1�'• Fie could also� i£ vro irishsd, <br />hirn ene of the .'Sricle Co.'e r�er. te suzex�cise inatallation ot the playgronnd <br />equipnent at �2$.C?0 a d2y. (See liet nf eqn,rment in ti�e £_'.��s) <br />'1`t:e ser.ret.�s^j wziZ c:'_'� s;;re .^-r:^enabout Ma propoaed girl�s <br />anPtball teatns. <br />??o�'.ges :�.*'�'_1 s3k ![r. Ptehowski what it would aost to inetall a <br />oarmanent fow,da';ion ,>>�cer ,.ii�� ,',-ia'��:.^t �-r�:-x'_;ig 1fCUSe. <br />eeC• f�__� �."`�ic"""� <br />