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PARR At� PLAYI3R n1Plf) C7',��?T"' ' M'""Tlrad <br />1Arf.1 90� 19fi1, <br />�ftsnda►�o�� Nodg�s, 6dbu'8, Nary, Dnweoni ShaitAhenaen <br />Ou�ste� Ah�. Oroas the Yalntonano� xan nnd three �oon wlw wers in ahazyse <br />�f nnifOr4ed hoekq laeL nlIIter Mr. Lnther� 1/r. Naid�r� Mr. 3Mntlt*. <br />?ar. gehults �s pMn� no. is 560 �i555. <br />lh�. Sehrulte Rnre the ca�ttte�� e penQhl� antitled ^%nu Onid�", <br />showinR how to �nk� hoeke�• rink�. 7'he,y wamted Addl.tlamn7, rink� +uid rn atrn 1l�M <br />ea Wr sout�h dd� ad t,6� Rlll�iaer Mekq rink. 'Rr 1�eatap� 6roaln �olmte�red to M1P <br />tu bulld aq wnlled heetq lirdt. It aae sa�g�eted thsC t6s weod hosx'-'•� tee th� <br />73nb b� Oeet�A witA pe�6sthlaeal. <br />Me. Dsd�r �dd �hat f,�q hne hoekq !ar �lt6 ad 40h Rssd� be�s� aaA <br />tawb W�s7 P�9 aR� Afwkar �il� 9�es� IbMS11�, �Ra. Tt� i� thrr� dollaee �a <br />� Me dellsrs tsr Snwr� �ed aas dollar tas e ooetrlbattm te L6s IILes�wts <br />� Hedtq Vs�n. <br />� eM�d ws�auti3�0 �1N�! to th� Rill�iw rlfdc !-•e t3oodltK. 1l�.HOdsN <br />�l.11 �slt Ib �el,bs �eut faP^��K th� 11ne at Inllriar. <br />�. OLM�� was ednd te Mq anoe6ea� 6e�e A1�Ls fae O�keood sed W th� <br />old aw a0 LM tille�e Ifs11 USL�. <br />!IN O�Yiwoo4 bsli lisld 1� moqp �nd ere�ts rNnK'��LK� bna �L3i w dll <br />1N iS NttL fe! aM 7'�r thMt r«le it. <br />#1M� an dinsod� th� tiAa� a+e te b� iarEelled oa LM Senth dd� e� <br />LM wa7l:K hew�� md e1p Ast oo th� �Ic�tl.p� riNr. <br />A deJ.ald.n� ton�e dil b� lestallM on EM �111eqe Mil sld� �plsot. <br />Ths ball field at Oekwood will be mede amaller nnd tb! lsft oror sod <br />dll be put on the �illege hell field tor the infield. Benahes wtll be inatallel <br />�L ti dllaqe dell tield. <br />Sbreb+�� <br />//,��tY-i.,r �<...•+-.��i-� <br />