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Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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PARR AN^ PLAYrROIJND C'MPAIT'PF�' MEFTiNG Feb. 17, 1965 <br />Attendance: Hodges� Dawson� Nagy� Barry, �irkson� Tomoson <br />New btembers are: Tbnald �'ri.ekso�� L!ftoy Tomogoa ^nd To¢� Healy <br />V1e had two �ueste %rom tGe Soil and gunshine Garden Club of S laine� <br />Mrs. Metsger� =nd Mrs. Axclson (Sul�-4036). They offered to bex tify the park <br />area around the Village Hall. This wo�ild 'nclude nlantin�s� 6ench-s, tables, <br />or fir^ '�oes as long as there would be no upkeeo. They would spend around <br />$3�.00. <br />Before we aan take advai,bage of this offer, the nark area around <br />the 7illa6e Hall must be cleaned un. There ^*e some deaeased •^Y. treee that <br />must be cut down and 'oruah removed. 2he Lions C].ub will be xrorking 3th the <br />Boy Scoute thte spriryg on thia clean-up rroject. <br />There iR 8 uew nr�me for the 12 Oaka Park, It will now be called <br />1f00DCRES'P. Thts ^ark shoa3d be seede� +.�,y �y.� and possibly Aake an ic� <br />rink. <br />Subjscta discussedx <br />1. The war.min6 houaee ahould be raieed u^ as the.v are too low <br />to the gronnd and auow pack� under 'yie doora. <br />?. Jake a-,onld pnt the stovea in OaM�od artd Iambert houe°e m <br />concrete blxka. <br />�. All t�e houses nced new floore and doors. <br />4• It pas decid-d to cloe- the rinka until th-y can be floode�d. <br />5. Would i*• be posaa►�ls to h4�e a teleubone b oth inetalled <br />near the Aillvien r nk� <br />�r. Hodgea eub�ested that we co.�taot Satellite Service to ee• <br />hom m�ch it rrould r�et to uae them d^ring our akating seaeon and haseball <br />eeaso^. <br />We d'scuaswd tlu passibil�ty of buying a new tractor with <br />underdri�+ a�d overaize� tires, with a mwer and broom attaehment. M�, Harrv <br />prese�ted a bro��ure on Interaa�ional Harvea`er tractore from Perron <br />Hot�ra. A motion xas mad- and seconueei ar,d ca�rie3 ta v��ehase a neor <br />tractor after checking a Y�cr pricea� firat. <br />The horaaontal bars on the play�rn�de will have to he re- <br />nlaced as they were made too low and the nipee too thick. <br />1k'. Barr� auggested that we look into the orice for blaok- <br />to oix� a ekatixYt rink for a basketball court ae Nell ae a rink. <br />Yr. Hod6ea euggeeted that we a7.1 go togethe* on a Sp�urdaT <br />afternoon thie s�ring to inepect all the parka, <br />The membera will be cail�� for the next meeting. <br />3ec. � <br />h�tL�L.�,� ):t.:..-�s-„ <br />C e }'r�i <br />
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