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M.GUAiD`u YISM Ph6K BGAFD k6ETINu � . <br />April lj� 1971 �� <br />Civil Defenn� Buiidi��g � � <br />Oelled to order: 7:05 i-.:�. - .� <br />?FE3SfiY: D�.n Hodee�, +r�.rc tiurnFie'•�, tr�-�r 9eumger!vr. John F�zmen, <br />P! rbere :ie � k e � r.� r� n co.�e �. e r ':::n !�.e L9YV, t:+• tet dchuatchst <br />F3uB11: Lewi� 6e;v. ��.�:�oy 10¢�.00cr e.ud Arnold nke�. <br />F.::�.7Ed: 6i �, rovei � � , �. <br />!..L 9nere were uidx cut out for the t�ecior ourohe��. Je:ivsry <br />ubSi..E:::.� ar.ovt3 :.e +,thin '» tlYYB. ih!!: M6tlt the oldde bp b�g�e! 1; �.. <br />t%,e c..t� :.roo¢ end •now cr.�ter by Gecember :. 19ji. . <br />!t w:.� ue o�z-he.ePd with Lie �ix nonth rentel Ent h�lenc• <br />in Jar,�c,ry, .�; rr. Cr, Apri: 24th �t noon the bidn wi:! be oF.ened. � <br />�F'im�r Cemceuy rpnointmer.t riil be m.rd• re�srdinp 3iiver Leke <br />Perk :end ecquieition. <br />K-. iiodeee ��.e-' .unch with Frul Fjere. dr�uer snd As�ocleten <br />atill went i:j00 for 4roehurea. Y,r. Fj�re doe• no? eind <br />ys teking our time on the oxrk dealeion. <br />eha l..akeaide Qommitter r��s eF:.rodched by Don Hod:�es. :nay <br />•� sei� they 4rd very few me�tings this rinter 6ut wi11 sec• <br />the third aedner,dey oi Aorit. Lon ron ofi copiea of ths <br />Lekeeide budget fcr ue to eec where !he coney goee end how <br />8xponditoree ere profected froc ly7i to i975. �e in Moonoe <br />VSew need sorecr.e to eerve on the Lekeside Oa�rittee. If <br />we of eny�ne, let M.n Hod�_ex know. <br />k,r. Hodres went tu the bre��y County meetfn� for�tMc 'r'r�k� <br />cnd Gcsn .ipbr,e Y.ene. ile �howed o mcp with pro{.a�ad Firk• <br />pletured. 2ofaie {15,G..�o,G00. The co�t !� �rtirete0 to <br />be i5.5t; ovsr ;0 yeern un r, i20,000 home. <br />2he Not�d ryn4 throo:r the Ferks rnd Fleygrouner Uisburs�oNnt <br />.3heeS. The OP.USSbI �u?.ey budget tks ��00 inSt; Don `S�uree <br />ii`:AO anowd� go tokrrd the putchaee of tne 17Er,tor�. 9hs <br />{78.10 di��bv�se!�ent :r^m the ^�pitr: GvUry bu:�ei 5a• ��r,n <br />toMUd the f:urches� ct a. sklil �6M� Gun w:l: try to F�t <br />hslf� of thst tot�: ur.ek from the Ya.intsnrnc• Gepds�t�lnt <br />�Snce it wi:l :;e used uy not�a deperts�ntt. <br />1ns broc�ur� w�.0 65s�uaaed - rondeie7 rt»th�i we can cti�pt � <br />it aunel•�ea er�� not �kve tu xpnnd Y150u througn 0rawr rcd �� �� <br />, Inc. Alec, ��:ccruing the-�k n Rj�r�, sur� aa�euniti�f��� <br />cre eti�'. gettinr oig devsiopir• to tuin beok 101��0! tn�ir� ��- <br />1�nd to perk devslope�eoL � <br />