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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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NO�DS VIp P6tUC BOAhD <br />luly 2i. 1F71 <br />CSv11 D�fsme duilding <br />Cailsd to ordan 7s1G P.F;. � <br />PFESENT: Doo Hodgee, Wevr.e durmeiater, Foger B�usgertn�r snd�l�rb�r� Il��k� <br />ddiEl�iT: Jehn 6exmen, Frncld 6ker, Le�aie tiegy nnd Leroy Tono�on. <br />Y.Ih1"1'ESi Approved e3 rend. <br />BUSIhESSi Chuck Weetling cn�e before the Ferk Comltt�e •oc Ktre e <br />presentetiun on Comeunity Gns. which r111 6• a drop-in <br />ca�ter for youth in Younde Vier dchool Di�trict Xo. 521. <br />It Se envieionad thet in the futur� Co�unity�Ca� rill 6s <br />entirely youth run end opeteted vith en edult ProEr�Y Co— <br />ordinetor. 6ieo, there Se to be q wllti�d p�r�oon�l fsom <br />the community et lerge io h�lp en6 coum�l th� yo�th. The <br />locbti��n for the csnter for the next thrN y�rr• (�f oEj�otions <br />ere eetlefisd) will�bs on Dietrlct 621�Nlol1 prop�rty loe�t�d <br />on 6G •ere� in North Ooka. 1'he Ca�uQitf On� pro��et ��wd <br />to ba fevorebiy reoeived by the ���u• ot th��PsrY Boerd <br />preeeot rt ihi• meetin�. <br />Eraus-kndereon w�nt� us to neve tha l�nd �Pp»i�d •! th� <br />plenned eita for the Silva: Loke Perk •lne• t�y hsr� no <br />reel ideE of tha l�nd's velue. Thi• proo�dur• h• to b� <br />acne snywsy to eeti�Py F�derel •t�ndrrds oo �apy =NSt�d <br />for iend �aqui�ition. M.r. Nodgss rl11 pt !tu thsq <br />•ppr�is�l• on th�lrnd v�lve before tM p�tt Psrt Beird <br />Qeeting •c thi• qw�tlon cen be •olv�d. Don rlii:•3�o <br />talk to th� villag� �ttorn�y, Y.r. Kyen, to Irr� •a�k� <br />�ara definite on th� MoE� propert}� .(4h1� •houYB •l�o <br />heve r l�ad vslu� �ttaehed to SL ) <br />M.r. Nod�es epot• to our ob�ent Perk Bp�ed »bu�, k��ats. <br />ik�r, Nd�y �ndTo�oron. Only 2omo�on ���M do indlort� h� <br />would liks to b� r�plro�d. M� rlao lhou�ht w oould �e� iP <br />we c�n expand the Boud !o includs �or� rillie� worl[�r� tor <br />th� up-coming Bond S��v�. <br />+1e h�ve three bld• tor fsncinE on GiMOpd P�rk ('y►$�j. 8��r■ <br />quot� ie �7j0, Ciswley f�no�, �g30.00 �pd p. 6 Mrrn�r (M did <br />the tencing tos L�k��id� P�rk), }665.00. flpn will •�k Lrki�id� <br />Pxrk Commle�ion hor u ti�f�ctory F. L. IN rq�r�• wark i�, l6in <br />we will taks •Sth�r 9e�r• or F. L. Yrrn��r'• bid. <br />Pru1 Fjer• of Bs�uu •nd Acaoci�t�� xl�14�d wr P�rM tlwN •t <br />8s0� "r:M. i� bri�t�d Mr. Fjer• o� our pto;r��i to thi� point. <br />H� �ug�seted th�.t ritsr th� bond iuw;;y��i�� th�t r� an�pl�t� <br />on� parE north ot XS�Awy 10 rnd on� p�rt �oufh !o ahow !hi <br />com�unity wbFr• th�ir tonsy r�ht, 9ilv�r k�t4• eould trt� !h� <br />•1te grxded for • b�llpurk rnd •YrtieE ir�d#e[rly. Mt. Fj�r� <br />w?i: orrw up s pro�a��l to give u� thrN.oholcH oP 8r�u�r'� <br />invclvement fn the Sroahure pixnning rnd psfntipy. Ye rill <br />
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