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M411ML� YIZY PARK BGiiD <br />tu�st 24, lq7l <br />Civil Fl�t�n�• duildir.g <br />Gll�d ta ord�r; 7:W► P.M. <br />YF.ESEAT� Don Nodgoa, weyne durmeieter, ho�er Noumgxrt�sa� end�3erbere-.Hr,aY• <br />F83BNTi John Roi�a.. Frn�1J 6kar, Lewia Nagy ona�' on--� �. <br />M:1KU1'E3� Approved r• rs�d. <br />tlu9INESS: Nirur o�..N Don Hodgee. ie wente ue to uea the iowleno on <br />th� Silret Wke peresl beceuee fi� feels the lend zonea reeidentue�l <br />!• mor• dt�iresole for h,m Ee 16nd t3 be deve,oped. We ers �tili <br />�'' g�inl to •pscify the South weet corner en the ;ana we went for � <br />out 81►��r Leke Frrk - it ie mo,e ecceeaible for ovr resident• <br />in thrt er��. <br />7'he Crkw�N lrrt Yencing ie co�piete f�r e tctel ot ;665.Uu <br />t• be bllled lbter. <br />wtt�t�y Hck Myare felt thre• •ppral�er� for tne 81il�r Leke <br />Ynrt �aqu�dtaoq �oula give u� �n �caurrte velu�.ret� oY t1u <br />l�nd b�4. op�.spprei�ar MOlila b� ecou�h.for e rough s�tisete � <br />..ot it� wlw. Mr. M.yers iii a�y hs w�uli cantect kr. Y.oge'e <br />.�eitorqy�taday t� eee iF Kr. li�=a�'e�len� will Ye�.i�nr.ted or <br />�_Mill hsvc t• �e ��ujht. It t�e ba�p�:�oved thet Alt. ilyer• call� <br />�an� ���rai��s f�r n fee �f e��r�slsstely ij�O.N t� ��rr�iee <br />th� 27.� Aor�s �roeeotiy sonsd resid�ntiel oY the 3S1vpr L�W <br />psra�l !�r St� l�n/ v�lve. �nn1r Zylls will provide the lagal <br />ductiqtloa oi the lend for Yr. Kyere. <br />B�rbsr� lNr�ka spoks to Kra. Tomo�on ead I:�u. Aksr •nd r�kad if <br />th�i� hwb�nQ• would r�ther be r�ploced on the Ferk and Fir:v�round <br />Co�itt�a. Tbey thought yae nnd V.r. Hod�eo �ill epsak to N.r. Akst <br />epd Y.r. Twoinn to thet eifect. We will edvsrti�r for new s��ber• <br />to trk� tFuSr plecee on the Ferk Boord. MT. Negy will . <br />eont�ct�d: <br />S4� wrrin� house u.oauired from H�w�$rlgh4en�wiki 6e�moved ta���� <br />th� Grov�l�ni Pxrk For uae this aosing winter •esion: <br />The do�tioa� :racsivsd Irom Kn. JeyC�.t'A ene t��e �prSn� t�k• <br />lrrk B�nY wl11 �r t�wrrls ths Ievelopibent of'eo icc tkrtir.q <br />rinM •nd x�rning hcuse et the ii»velrni lkr4`fii tbs�:rint�r�� <br />of �1971-72. Th� w��rminj h�uye will h�ve taA1�i�Cta�d,���1�1�1:- <br />rnd FN�trJ. .�. :. ... . . <br />i�e owljet F�r 1��2 �se�a �icsu��ad. :t 4�.s Gesr��s� pav�d *.Fet . <br />R�ia N�m�ertnsr ia •eaigneted •e ±nn anu�tr��xevt6r�of� out � <br />Perk• end Ple+y�c�.na Wmecittee. He wi:-. Eai� Yre�k���dore th� � <br />pa�t up�nditurew •t t.h,e 2�.rk bcdFe! eno p�nje,:t�expscted � <br />�ap�nJituret� .',}r tF.e :;ud�.et o: 1y12. Oxiiy Lot eq�et• for <br />O�ry.kort rre tc be i��Red un o.y Lor� Hodgee tc h�in u� pUn . . <br />p�r��nn�l �x�anses Scr 1�/2. Ao w±l! Aeduct j�50� fror our <br />OYtti�t ►udn1�LFO� �epito: Cutlay to p�y-out �hs�re on:th��r�r <br />ti�oter, <br />Don yodt��•rill ah�ok•into Chept�c 842 0! th� kunl,oSp�l Pi�pplp� <br />Mt #1MsN� • Subdiyider Ms to �i�� • oe�ruplt� l�tf/'ef ��fh <br />wlr� l�rsa� lrrp d«velapipet undert�k�a by SuNltrftrr is �' <br />o...�nsey. ' <br />