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lblM� 1�11 p�t[ BOAAD <br />IYT 2� 1972 <br />vtii.e. x.ii <br />Gll�d to Ordsr� 7�'SO P.M. <br />PALSSIi2t Rog�r B�wgortnsr, W�yne Bvrmeiater, John Aozsrn� Doe Hodg�� � - <br />•nd B�rb�re kl�eke. <br />e68O1Ta Luvsrn� Petereon <br />KI�U7Tui Minuts• of lAESOh 2j, 1y72, Merch j0,19�2 •nd April 15, 1972 <br />w�r� sad end •pproved. <br />SA6�SUALR�S <br />AePOATe lYrod, 1972 •nd �pril, 1g�2 di�bu��m�nt� w�r� •ppro�sd •• re�d. <br />Totw�l di�bur�es�nt� for Narch �nd 6pri1 rre �4,09q.77• M� nor <br />Frr� �24,j66.03 lePt So our budget for 1972. �8,600 i� d��i�rw ted <br />for Lek��ld• Ferk •nd 52,400 for Coamuaity On�. Thi� tot�l• •t <br />�11,000 •o re, !n �otwlitq, Mv• only �ij, rbrk rith <br />for th� re�t ot 1972. Subt »cting tM f6,902.73 l�tt la th� <br />bndg�i for ��l�tie• tor 19�2, w� he�� e fiwl ligur� ot =6,4(j.j0. <br />CI,� TM b�llfi�ld •t tM Oirie Oanter rill b� 1�v�1�A by skinnint oft <br />��ZNL99� Lh� •utt�o� of th� infl�ld �nd l���lioa th� wtfl�ld. Th1� rlll <br />1N�� th� li�ld NSLhout �or gs��� oo��r for th� •N�oo. but �Nd <br />rill b� pl�pt�d Sn t,h� t�ll Sor p�xt y��r. It al11 •t ��aat <br />•ll��i�t� th� roualf aonditlon th� b�ll L��o hrr� b��o aa�pl�ining <br />�bout Su tb� p��f,. Thi� fi�ld M111 be uaed br th� vwn'• �oiLb�ll <br />L�;u�. ?M �iot�nno• d�p�rtuat rill •l�o l�wl �n �n� for <br />t6� usond b�lltS�ld on t41� p�rk with th� b��k�top •od bts• linu <br />to bs l�id out o�xi y�ar for th� m�a'• be��b�il 1N�w. <br />YrN�l�od Pesk oaN !r� �ore iill on !t rhlah riil b� l���l�d of! <br />thi� �prinE. Dou 8od`e� rill try to g�t •�eout Lroop up �o <br />arer�l�nd to piak up !h� d�bri� snd du�p !t Sato Lh� hel• loo�t�d� <br />!� Lh� ���5 •id• ot th� prrk. lbint�arna• rl11 LN�n eo��r �11 rith <br />dlrt. <br />M� srin di�eu�ud th� dlff�noo• betwsin • P�rt •nd FssrNlSop <br />��p�at ot •�unioip�lity buiag c�ll�d •r.yon� oi th� beloM faur <br />dN! jort Son� s <br />1. C�vls�ton� <br />2. 90�rd� <br />j. Co�oitt�e �nd <br />4. D�p�r���nt. <br />Aos�r 1� �equiring wriou� oit1��-perk Dorrd d�tiqi!lon� �nd tMir <br />o[dlMnca�. W� will •ludy thee� •nd w+ta roaoe�ndstion� �r to <br />rhleh �y�tn rould bs so�t �pplic�b�• to FVaund� YSeM. <br />1'M I111��� Oounail dir�et�d th� V�il�gs Englmtr to �tudy EI» <br />!N�!l1111ty oP • n�tur�l dr�iarg� •yrtn throushou4 Lh� �lik�g� �nd <br />p�rlrp� •w� of thi� l�nd aould bs •oquited by Fn�ay Oouaty Opa� <br />Sp�o� Pl�n for op�n �r�� !n ovr vl11���. <br />