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�cs viev r�ut Pa� <br />a�.. =9. ►972 <br />Yill�p� fYll <br />G,1�d to Crd�rs 8�j5 F.x. <br />PPE38l4T: Poa�r B���g�rtn�r, W�vos Hun�i�t�r, Luvsro� P�t,rr�on �a! L�rb�r� IY�k�. <br />IB90:T= <br />k.INC7'Es : <br />Don Hodg�s •nd :chn Rozno <br />A; Faond •• resd. <br />OLD Th� Yi.l�t� Covaeil fu• •ce�pt�d th� r�port is�rn up br 3lrlly bo�lf�, <br />BIRlIH3.iSs Yiliegs tngin��r. Th� nport oonbio� �uEt��tioo� ot 1�N th�t oou11 <br />b� utilized vithin M.ound� Vi�w for A��u� Owntr'� Op�e 8p��� Pl�a. <br />� 1�f!• r�cort i• aow to be •u6mitt�d to A��+p Coynlr !pr tlris �os�id�r�tfa <br />M3'M <br />BUBII:ffSSt <br />Lu��rn� P�t�r�on qvot�d •o�� pria�• 1N 1r�,obt�ia�l.tor hWk��.►o�tAl� <br />(�p�eilSc�,ly, for hoek�y rink aon�truetiN oo Yoobt��t). Na.�3�.�� � <br />9outh�rn Pin� (• twrd rood), would eo�t •ppeosltst�l� {196.OQ p�r <br />thous�nd. Fa 3 l�sb�r would co�t {160.06 p�r t,hou��M. Botb of <br />th�r� prie�� •r• froi tot�l EapotL. Sh� �a it lofal is�ot! N1� <br />tPu pric• of :u�b�s S• �ky-hiEh ri�pt aor �o� M i��t tIM! in �uswt <br />(Lt�r thi• �ua�r) tM prie�• •hould b� oM�ps. 1or SO�LM�i CM <br />�160.00 lwb�r cou19 b� dow� W�pproxif�bl� �3I2.00 ¢�r tbow�M. <br />?hi• r�• •11 �a��un�d roqd. Ropr Wt�utaMr ..i� n. �ra wttaa to <br />lriaY. Pog, •thl�Lie df»otor in ib��rill�, �iN M ��l� LM� w� • lar- <br />�r�d• fur on th�ir rinkn M� f�lt r� rbvld wit vrtil l�tsr �n Ln� <br />��aNr so puran��� tM rood •o rf �oul� rt Liw }t��� ►sNk �M �tsrt <br />eon�truatioo ir. S�pt�ab�r rh�n hook�y f���� �!N rith tM SAN ot <br />u�t�inlnp h�ln Pro� th� Lalc• M�loa Ho�k�> >��n. <br />'11u �ring ��t ha• b��n t�k�n doro �t HilL�iwr a�� i� � lyl� Sa <br />c�qt�r ti�td •w�itinQ r�loastioe !o !h� �rM feREhN�t of aNt;�r <br />ti�ld. Rh� hoek�y bo�rd• �t Hiliti�r �r� Y� nitb Llr a��l�Mpl� e! <br />tr�l�� t,6 tourt��s Mlpsrs ftw !M L�k� 1i.iio. eak•r r•.wi•tioe. <br />ii� ri�h Lo �apr��• our EnWtud• to tM�� fN. <br />Pa��r �nd w�yn� wnt ov�r to leok �t •�n�� n tM 14�1e prop�rtr. <br />M.r. t4iin M� aon�t�uet�d � e�M oa� �aA raql� D� r1�11� !o j1s� tM <br />old oo� to !ri� rSllig�. 0ur int�ntioa rorl/ b Le w� it !e'r s <br />+nr�iqE hour� c+n OrHnfi�111 Park wilk �aM iN�IINf��04�. �11� <br />Skibs ��ld h� rould t,�lk !6 X�r6�t 0�»p +N ��� !! td�� �orl� ia►� <br />it !or u� on � lor-bor. lt we• filt ih� plR{� Mi RN�tuMli�_.�i1Mf <br />•nd rould ��rv� !M Pucpo�r w�ll, <br />tl�sbur� tYal�• will r.11 in th� SatorMtloa eMw�tN !� L�wo� <br />r�rr/iqg •ny S�prot�Mat� or i��d r�qul�Stler pl���: tot 6Yit <br />Pf��lt�� 111 th� r��f OOY�f�O(.Ch� d�t��� o! JWr�I� l� !o JtA�'�� ly�j. -- <br />Thi� loec !u• to p• tillid out !t M� �t�r wN to ie��ibr a�plrlK <br />Lor lu�d• fro� Iww�O�. <br />� ra��n rho lir�• by L��l�rt P�rk a�ll�a w iMl�i�-�►euR tM_wN� <br />•roupd eh� pl�y �ppsr�tu� •M th� Awt�y riak �t L��b�rt. iM alre <br />