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11o�w�s rspr sjti[ �ao �saa aarzsar oaMa�sicr <br />�; �� �� <br />Tf L` �li <br />Qrll��o<o.e.:� 7sC0 P.M. <br />PRtSOl� ilops B���rtNr. ilyo� Ovea�i�t�r. Luvue� P�t�r�o�r Ma IMp�. <br />tJ�Yi1 LaMe �od B�rD�r� fY�k�. <br />NSIY'! i 1oM <br />MI�OTfB� �ppro��d •• rNd. <br />TA6i8i�lLAB <br />11{!CN'1'� Tet�l d1�4ur��MaL�. lneludln� Jul�. •r� �'}1�3�0.6�j. •pprd►d. <br />OLD Mprdi� th� 14dic nrr���. Aepr B��a�+ri�i� s�ksd +�lL� Y�se <br />BUBI�B� Sl�A�r�oa.on tM eo�! for r��ad�llio� Mi� pr�p i�te a we�lK <br />hW�� i0! �1'N0:1�1d P1tk• ll1'• 81pd�T�OA�• ��L1M�:A Ot il��F�j <br />in�l�� •lo�l� �! tM Lro pap doo» a�i Sertrllie� L�o �rir�ie� <br />dooe� !or �ntr�ae� �ad �:St: pYtLlOs 1A tlr tl�orf �N pYttia� }� <br />pl�wai �M�t� ee th� W�Slio� �nd wll�. I! ��i �! la�lti4 fa� <br />lmul�f,�on. !M na�r�l opi�ias of th� Oo�t��ie� r� tht fdr <br />prl�� w• too h1�A. Do� Hods�� rill e►Nk rltY �ro etY�i �s�tsNtor� <br />!or th�lr ��tirL��� tlr. Nnr�lur and Itr. LN!l��r. YMa Do� �e�t��t� <br />tb�� tre euildu�, M rill •l�o pr���rt to tYi ra1�A Na�L�►N e! <br />propo��d nw �wrala� You�� �trwtar�� tor oue p�slu �ad Y�t� Lhw <br />��Lirt� tni• proju! �l�o. <br />Fopr i�a�prLn�r �od IN�w•BurMi�t�r r�et to ii{�raoA J�lor NSih <br />B�Iqol to elwk on fY�=po��lDSllty o! iwt��lik •�ti� rS�ic ae <br />LM ��YOOl prop�rly !or th� u�� of r��i1�� .itrs. Me�.e. �t... <br />7hq iNt tMt tM l�od �rw �! M�tM►1�>3as.-! �11� riYc w� <br />too �loPiaj tor lloodio� po��lbilitiu. it`�r�i at! w� looR <br />!ra tlw r��t •id� to th� N�t �id� or�r �h� a0 •s�. 'EYl� iW <br />Mld tro� tor !h� b�llfi�id. Uol�r� !M wYoel 1!�!rl�t �ranld l�pl <br />Shi� •rw ouL rith th�ir �ou�, lE rould Wt b� wM�l�all� lN�i�l� <br />tor ot=r P�rt Ca�i�sioa to do it. 1eoLh�e �s�rM�k i� tlrl t6r o�l� <br />miL►1� wt�r �upolr !� • Fydr��� ��rw� iM atrNt �a� e Iq�� rau11 <br />�w io ��ed �eror� Lh� lat�r���tioe rh!}b voula Y� wINln►k�. <br />� liE6t rl11 b� 1n�t�ll�d •L tM �ad ot tM wlkw� �t Ehi eerLMrNt <br />�on�r of fie��ali�ld P�rk. ll�xt �ps1a�� ►L�kt�op r�ll b 1�id <br />d��lp�t�o� nld wlkwr. <br />Th� hwt�y bwrd� h��� ►NO p�int�d •t Nlil�lw T�rk ��d t� MM�► <br />riolr !� aar in A-1 tlrp�. <br />Aepr rould lik� to r��or�nd a��t yNr t� iM �w�Mtl tY�� tlr p�rk <br />d�psrtwot h��� oa r�f�t�o�ae� �ra anlu�iqly tor �I1tts. <br />A�prdio� �n Oed1wN� tor tn� F�rk .pa w.r«sio. ��a.�ry aar�••ia�. <br />NNA tbo�t�h �u�s�tla�r tro� Dsnaf� Z�ll�. 2i�1�M�N lM�� ��1� <br />ar.� w tia.i ar.t�. <br />