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Miu�is vur rqpc �ai rsc�zim awassnr <br />ou�u�t !. 1�72 <br />Vitl��� tM 11 <br />C�Yld t� �r�ar� 7sN !.►:. <br />111fSl"iNTe M�� YurMl�t�r. !�n H��p�, J�hn 6�zro •n� hrNr� IY�k�. <br />�/0�1'['s Mpr MtaM, rtn�r, Luv�ra• htu��n. <br />MINVf6�: A!►rw�� �■ red. <br />K,� T6� third d»M for •n Ordia�oe• for thU Co�duioa E�• b��n d:wp <br />lUSINiS9� up •nd r�-�ub�itt�d to D�nni� Zyll� �nd our ���b�r�hip for •ppso��l. <br />Copi�• Frv� b��n �sd• for di�tribution to th� Counail �wNr� �nd <br />td� Yill�g� �ttorn�y, Disk N�r�,for �ugg��tion, eorr�etlon� �ed/or <br />cddit:c.^.�. <br />Doa Hodg�• rili hwv� •�ti�t�i �a r�mai�ll'xe� tb� H�dia prs�� for <br />• wez�in� hou�� fr�u Yr. L��ffl�r •nd ttr. 1bpeMr �! ib�l IrMeMr <br />Corp, i4 will •l�o ��k th�u aontrseton �ud Me• Y�rn Sind�r�oo for <br />�� ��ti�et�� on eon�truetioa eo�t� for u�r p�rrn�at r�r�io� hou�� <br />�truatur�e for ovr park� if • bond lew� i� �ppro��d by tM �ot�r�. <br />Td�r� •�tiset�• rhould b� •o�pl�t�d b� Lh� �d ot thl• r��k. <br />NEx Th� Co�sis�icn r�nt e��r th� p:oj�et�d eost ��ti�t� for p�rk i�prov�- <br />bti3INfiSS� Mot■ •nd l�nd •aqul�itioo to try •ed oo�� up with th� t�`ut� !ot <br />• n�r bond i��u�. Thi• rill b• rork�d out rith �opl�� •tiil�bl� !or <br />•11 Couoail w�b�r• end Pl�oaing Co�si��ion N�b�r�� �loot rllh <br />roush �Ic�tohu of proj��t�d i�provnmt� on Youad• ti�v p�rW. <br />Doc HcdEe� wil� a�k th� Couae:l �t tM m:t Couaall N�ting, Augwt 14, <br />for p�rai��icn to hold • ap�aisl •l�atioo oa t!u bond i��w ee <br />Getob�r j, 1972� or wh�n�r�r th�y rould d��t lt �wt �d�i��bl�. <br />Don Nodga• will ehoelc rlth hi� �ouroa• on tM ���il�►i1�4� ot F�d�nl <br />sod/or 8tat� fuad• tor p�rk S�prm�Mnt� •od l�ad ��qui�ltioa. <br />tlerb�r� kb�Y• rill erisk wlth th� Y�tropolif�n CouN11 on th� s�tin� <br />Lh�y rould Qiv� M.ound� VS�W (rhat priority Mound• Yi�r would r�c�i��) <br />rFyn �pplying for f�d�r�: fuad�. <br />W� n�l�wd th� tour p�E� fly�r•�w� ��et wt l��t y��r rMp�flnt <br />•ub�itlSeg • bond i��u� to th� �ot�r�. Y� d�eid�d oo wio` tM wu <br />Porwt on prg� oo�, p��ia�:ly th� ��s� rordla� on p��� tro� p�gs <br />lbr��'� �Ic�teh ot Gs��nfi�ld P.rk rill e�M in th� ��� wiLh tq� <br />•pplie�bl• rwordin` of th� �Swn�ia� p�r�grrph. P�p lour r�ll <br />eomi�t of a�w tSEur�� fra� 6hl�r• •ed A��o�i�f�� on rMe.l,rr:lp.r <br />•o�! Mouoda Viw r��id�nt� in • t�x lry owr Lr�aty �r <br />bond Suw wr• •pPro��d olw the ,^*�Atini ot' ttw a�r •ipLion drt�. <br />BtrD�r� if�sic• r111 rork up � nw lly�r 1rQ1M111:10( t��� :dNl. <br />tlsrb�r� tY�t� e�ll�d th� P�rk Direetor of 8�r 6tS�IfWas kr. Mi�klund, <br />to ��� if it w» po��ibl• Por Moucd• ri�r to r�nS •o�� of th�ir <br />