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� <br />}��ND� YIi.i inFM F.AT� FfiCRSnTI�K JCN�IS8ICN <br />xovem6er 30, 1972 <br />Villa=e tiell <br />Ca11ed to Crder: 6:i2 F.M.. <br />PFE3ERT: koger 6e�mgertner, Jonn Fozman, Luverne Feter�cn, W�yne Buzssi�t�r <br />er.d 8erbere,He���e. <br />c3sEi�2: Dco Hodje• � W�� R�� ��•� � <br />F:i:�.C1c3, hpFroved es keed. � <br />BC5I?�5�: It M66 deeided thet the Com�eicn ■hculd heve e definite�ete for <br />their meetinga. Ph ourth Thusadby oY the u�onth •hell be <br />set eeiie for thia curroae.� Any edditi_nel meetinga thet wovld be <br />r.eed<_d '�+il: be anr.^i.n-ed at the regulsr ^ zeeting or eny •peaial <br />meeringa ¢ey be cr.::ad by eny officer of the Comaieeicn upon thtee day <br />notice tc e:l meabeie, es per the Crdinence eotebli�hing thia Psrk snd <br />kecreetion Comxi_aion. <br />'ne went throuLh the ncFlicctiono received at the Yiliage Nell for <br />eYcting zink etten3enta for tne 1972-7' akstir.g sceccr. Fifteen of <br />t:ee� wEre ep:.rov=d end Luverne Feterson, who ri:l be smployed e• <br />rink ■uperviaor, will cell the boy end tell them of our d�ci�ion. <br />Berbare HcEke ril: drew up e liet of •11 the attendant�� the rin� <br />rchedule, �u.ea tor the wazmiag hevoee end !n!truc!zocs fcr the <br />r'_nk etta:�dente. There will be b Qeetin@ et the Yilltge Hall on <br />Thurrdey, Ueeembez 7, 19'%2 at 7:OG F.k. for ell tFa ottsndaptr <br />to gi��e tnea o briefing of the dutie• they era to perform and to <br />enaw:r eny oueationa they might iw ve. <br />Foter wi�t. eee if he cen �et the riok �chedule and the tuiee for <br />the watminE hou�ea printed np profesaiooelly for po�ting et eaoh <br />hcuse (E), <br />�The ninth Ereders fros Edgewocd peinted the Greenfield warair.g howe <br />tc re=dy ;t fcr the ecming •ketinP •eescr.. Thsnke tc che r:nth Er�der�. <br />Fo�er wil. check on r.ow the h�dldinp of t:e tenk t�uck for tne floodin� <br />of our rink• i• pregre�aing end •ee if ineintenence cen •tert to ley <br />out the bbae eoatc on the iink�. <br />keeting edjoutneds 8:15 P.};, <br />Next meeting� Thurodey, Deeesber �, 1>72 at the Yillege ii�ll. <br />Mioutea •ubaitt=d by Berbern Hceke� •eczetery. ` <br />�,In�1 ?9-� �G7%� � �_ � ��it�°� <br />/V� �/�\I /-I�i __.._. ._._-_- <br />C� <br />_ � <br />