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�'.Clfl'l�.i VIS'�.s rF.RF nNL fiS�F.a:.1I(.N CCth.;:9ICS <br />F'ehrve:ry S, 15'73 <br />Villege Hell <br />Oetled to C��rde:: 5:?0 P.F:. <br />Fn-:..:�T: n.%ger 5�•..mgortner, Lue•ezne Peter_on, Jc:on Rezmen, WEyn• 8uraei�ter, <br />Deo 9ucgea, :,ctdcn Fedcr end Brrh�r� ieeke. Gue�t, Bob Al�in. <br />n3:'3A:: ti^ne ` <br />d'.:.\CfS.:; npprov�d 6: need. <br />Th :�. , l:. iF' :i <br />F�iCFT: hK�.;roved. <br />_.�..._..... 4:r. 3cc 'r:eir., s:+l�: .-r:-r.:?�_uve fcr �_:.iuor, er� b'iraale Flsyground <br />�B;W.;��aent� ceae :rc:. -:eren. rcint, '+�ioecv:?n to Cioeuse with our <br />::mmir�icn the vE r.c4a featvre+ and item� of olry aepsritu• he hsa <br />��wileble for oela �cme itar..a :ri cur ocna:dereticn were: <br />� <br />�` <br />1. 6 tr-etaent =pplied te Eelvenized pip• t��rt hse been printsd <br />Ss celled Per¢slee4:. Thie ia e- geUZe dipped in reain sne thon <br />rrrpped eround the peinted gelvenized pipe to crotect th� fini�h <br />Yrom n�ek� end ecrEtcnee. 6 10"���ec9�ticnei eo�t :• charged f'or <br />thi� proee�a; 5;0 on a �.cny �wine. <br />2. Nr. Xl�in hua e deviae for in�teliation cn the top ber of a <br />�win� oet through �..hich the chein _+ t,�a;;. Thia device prev�r.t� <br />th� •aroFe�e of e che'n crour.d the '- : b_: Fr.d ia recorx�nded for <br />ony ■win� ���t 10' or cn3er. A 12' awing ia on:ik�ly tc n?ve <br />e!:ein w�raFr�ge cocvr ao it 3� r,et n�edsd c.r. e s�.�inF o^er 1C�'. <br />I!e co+t ic ;E to 31� er.tre. <br />j. Fiher�lsae v�. elumio�m ccnie�. Fiberjlres L le�• sx��naiv <br />by �12 6ut Sa ac7e avaceptible to rzndoli�m. <br />F!r. Y.leio •how-'_ u5 �:�-ricua e:��.�.ste: :1ryz:� c.' '.e•r::tx !r ;: _e rer,�eu <br />�f ilri��:i J�r�-. "/'�:i _°q�j J.�,:... ,.; a.i:�:.�. _,.ii.�s �G '. <br />outer perim�ter cf the _:iiy nreu; �:idee with '.heir aliding bei f'scin� <br />north w the eun would net heet St uc too muchy p.oy cpFe.etv� for th� <br />clder child on one •nd enC oStuEted orco�lU , equipmmt fcr the yovng. <br />�n• nice iten way tha otrgecoe:h (Fi40G) with four oonie• on lErge �t��l <br />•nockt. Fr N ght eo�t rvn� ercvnd $'C^ per huadred waight. e,lioN on� <br />month Por d�!ivery. <br />/�r. Yl�in rill come c e 1aFt week cf FeOruory (__`, 2� or 28) to <br />C plck up an order Snz u�. ne �.o:ll di�cw� oll o d• oad �ure!y�s� <br />, •t cur r�guler a�etin� cf F�^ruery 22, Lfy . NT, T.YIY�, L �e, uNT1T` <br />���F��ericn w1�T priG�n�a��eompl�te oh�a • of the ocndition ond iLes� <br />olr�edy �Stwt�C cn our •even oerk�. <br />D:e�ting �djoura�di C:°_C F.b:. <br />N�xt m��ting: Yhur■diy, Februtry 22, 197� ut 6:;0 F.}'. in th� Vill��e tirll. <br />1�i�utu �ubm�K�d by tlnrceri Heok�, 9�oretrry. <br />