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��� h�_ ♦ <br />� <br />Y:OUND3 VI8i1 PARS AI7D REOAr^J�TICN COb'! IB�ICN <br />Juns 14. 197'} <br />nillsge tbll <br />Called to Crdera e:l� F.b'. <br />FRESEf:Te Roger Beuagertner, Don Hodgee, Jecqu� Coplin end HsrDe:e Beak�. <br />l�B::ENT: :eyne Burseieter, Lvverne Fstareon, Oord�n F�dor end John Roznen. <br />F'INOT�S: Aa�'reved ee reed. <br />TftEnSUPER' S <br />PEF{RTs Approved, <br />MAY jl, -97: <br />NE�?Iti9: Held et A,:OC F.N.. e±-the Vili=ge Holl. Invited Qusete: rseid�nte <br />cn ihe eeet eide of 3rccelcnd Avenue frca Couaty Roed I. to Brcoeon <br />nvenue. Fre-.eoted L ycut of propoeed perk locsted� on th� beck lote <br />cf the eCove ae�tinnad reeidente. Perk would border the reet eida of <br />Silv-r Loke Poed, eouth of Coonty fioad I. Five reeid�nta oppoee perky <br />thzee raeicenta fEVOr erea. IntroductYcn wee ned• by bo�er Bsus�Ertn�r. <br />oF�ceiti n wee beeed on litter, vendeliem, trePfic, both pedistrien �ad <br />vehicvl�+i, Cp�.oeiticn wented to maintain•the open epscs qu�litq of <br />sree. ho dacieicn h�e been mede ee to pureuin; th� ieeu� Yutther. <br />JUaB i4, <br />6�E T ::::,: <br />�'�� <br />�c73 <br />Th� Sountsin wee fixed on Hillview Fbrk end worlud !'or approxiuet�lq on� <br />r�ek, �;ntil it wea ven3elized. The fountein on ths Civic C�nt�r ie <br />oFsreting. TF.• Li�n'e Club wee ccr.tected by Doq Hod;se who told thsn <br />we wculd liks fountaine for Cekwood, Lembert end Gresnfield Parke. <br />,,,� Vendel Frcof i�eikne end et[ucturee f or the fot+ntaine will be loolced <br />into. <br />�? i'� def�re fill cen be levaled or. Grcvelend Perk per Ccnetoctc-Sevie' r�oom�ed�- <br />��, � ti�r,e, epprove: will heve tc he gi��en by the F.ic• Cro�k Wcterehed Boerd <br />�� �r, e�d tne Deperteen� of Rnturel Aeeourcu �r� �'i` .� t�� r <br />= Comntc:4-De:ie� toFo�re'r.icPl e!rdy ef �r_.^.:i•�3, Wocd^reel.,end .^,sc.eland <br />' F�z6:a wi:: .oe? i;,C�C. T4SE .�i.� 'n:a. .., :ES: fnr '.�r�c Feder.�l Kev�nu� <br />SF.ering Fanda. I.' ovr oorpceQU Bcnd Iecu� weuld net ceee in IQanember, tfi� <br />lsrk Gnmieeion wilt try fnr onn-third cf eech yeer's ellocetioa from <br />Fadrrel Few�nw Shering. <br />— a _: _,._ _ <br />A l�tter wee eent to N.r. Dowring r�;erding hia property loeEted Smec'ir,t�ly <br />-iorth o! Woodcieet Fark. No en:+w�r •e yst. A lstter wer alno e�nt to <br />9�+��rinter.dsnt Witt�r of School DSatsict 621 r��erdinE th+ northw�eL cornu <br />�! t+�� Bdg�wood Ju�ior Hizh School prepsrty for ues by !h� V121ap ae � <br />:ree aicetiag aree in th� wint�r. 611 coets ot d�v�lopin� thla srer rould <br />b� bora� by tha V1116e�. Discu�aion vill be fosthcoming cn this i��n�. <br />; - <br />Dor.old Hodies Nill ctwck on th� coete af ttu v�riove pric• rani�e for <br />`' � oonst,suction of ovupcae�s. <br />� <br />r fi�., 't <br />�it <br />'fA f <br />