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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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NQIN� �"3Y YA�lC AI1D A�FATION Cti^Q179SI�; <br />Jrua 28. 1973 <br />pC�7.� i� to �� 8�05 P.![. <br />� pRSS�NTi gogsr Hau�gsriner. Don Hodges, Ysyne Buraeieter, Jd�n Rozun� <br />Luverna Petsreon and BsrLnra Na�(ce, Gueet, Dannis Zylla. <br />�lT� Cordon Feda� and Jacque Coplin. <br />NL7UTS9� Approved ae read. <br />'IIt�A3(�t' S <br />APPQtT� Approved ae presentsd. <br />�' <br />.; <br />�INSSS� Don Hodges spoke xlth the head of the naintenance depatt�snt. JL Schlichtmam, <br />regardiag the drinking fountalna. They thought they could divise s xay <br />in rhich to bu11d vandal-praof fountains by encaaing the pipes ia ceaent. <br />----�� 1!u Lion's Club will provide the funds, Don Mill continus to roTk <br />the prablet and even go ahead ►1th the installation. � <br />�. � <br />Roger Bau�gartner and John Bearden, Villaga Engineer, apent sewiias <br />___� t ks. !!r. Bearden had soie very 6elpful auggeations � <br />regarding layout xith adequate drainage in aind, <br />Mr. Dwning responded to a letter aent Lo hi� a ehaz�t xhils ago regarding <br />ths land ha oxm directly to Lhe naxth of Yoadcreat Pdrk, He said de xould <br />negotiate with the Yil]sge on their acquiring abore �entioned l�nd <br />� but re rould Mve to be ea�e spec ic r� <br />' ,l�4P (Hsake�8au�gartner) to ��a�ie�r�t e lal_nd oxned by Mr, Dorning designated <br />- ae R-1 and R-2 xhich atrt s the naa�th line of Yoodcrest Park, � <br />� <br />s <br />Roger �iefed us on a meeting he had with Lhree neighboxing Park and <br />RecreaLion Directa�s, The t1�ee Direciora said tNat if Mounda Vier <br />xexe going Snto a park syatea, we xould need so�ea�e xith experieace <br />faT �at�y reasona. some of rhich were� a), a Direcior xonld �ake ur atrare <br />o� all funds avatlable for a park eyatev xithin a cauunitr� b) he could <br />devots s Yull 40 heura a xeek juet to parks and our p�oble�a�• c) de vauld <br />take mror the total developneat of the parke, <br />.M3P (Haeks/Petersoa) to .cec��nd the hiring of a Park and Recreaiion <br />Directoz as soon ae posaible. <br />Drnnis 2ylla inf�ed thie Coemiseion of a ohangs in tha lax sovsrnia� land <br />dediaation to parks by laad dewlopers. Yillaga AtLarney aleNard N�rrs <br />said tMre is now no definite figure oY land/cash Qonation to a�uaiclpatity <br />but it does spacify a"reasonaffie poztlap• ahould bs de8lcsSed xltlt ttfe <br />lar vague on xhoee opti� it is, the �unicipallty a� Lhs developsr, as to <br />laud or e�sh, Thia donstion covsrs any Ca�srcial� 6esid�ntial a� Inivatrial <br />aY1Y. <br />IAV1lne A�t�l�oa suggestod tLat !f ��intecynoe has aqy tL�, tMy oould <br />��� stast ukios hocb� nst� fa� nsxt seaaon foz� Grow]and, Oak�rood and L�abert, <br />" ,•,'.•r: ifMliu� �d�o�a'n�� 10�45 p,�, <br />r ' Nexi u�t1 t J <br />! <br />os u]y 12, ly'�9 at 8�00 p.�. in tha Village !(a7,1. <br />,l Niwtu �u�itt�d by H�rbara Haak�. Secretary. <br />:� , <br />.z�s> ' <br />� <br />. <br />
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