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NOUNffi YIill PAHK AND REICAFJ�TI@I C014fISSIOdi <br />July 12, 1973 <br />YS1la6e Hall <br />Csllad io Order� 8+00 p.a. <br />PNi.SlliTt Rcea� �aw�Bsrtnsr, Lunerne Yeteraon, Go�on Redor, Jaoque Coplin. <br />Yayne��•, +�rbsxe Has1�e. <br />A�ENT� John Rozman and Don Hadges. <br />MINVf�� Apgsoved as read. <br />BC�ixFSSi A letter rae sent on July 6th, to Mr. Lloyd Engels�a re6asd1n8 ttb <br />propertY 1�e and �ir. ��.nar oxn on Silve� IaY.c Aoad and County <br />Road HZ. Roger Baumgartner and Dennis Zylla will meet xiia ine sbave <br />nen at their convenience to discuss land or cash donation to tbe <br />Vi1Lge for parka. <br />Roger rill extend an invitaLion to a feK aurroimdlnB Park and Hecsestlon <br />Dixeetors to attend ocr aext Commlasion mseting snd also to the Co�mcil <br />�embezs so opan discuseion can be held re8as+ding tM sdvisaMlity of <br />our com�unity hirin8 a Park Director of our own. <br />Meeting adjouzned� 9�05 p.n. <br />Next meeting� Ju�y 28, 1977 at 8�30 p.n. in the Village Nall. <br />Minutes subei.tted by Bar6sra Naake, Seczetary. <br />