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MOUNDB YIEdJ pARk �N� A�HEATIOPI COMIFIISSION �- July, 28, 1973 <br />Mr, Haffeman poSnted out duties a Park Director has to pexiosmi <br />1} Administratione .Includes land acquiaition, finding woaias avsilabls. <br />se up he budget, have secretarial help. This adnlniatxatia� <br />section is tne haztiest for the Director to perfot' eiace his main <br />empt�asis in college vas torard the designing of operational parks <br />and the pro*xams that xould be run on them. <br />Z} Fzvgxsm: Set uy the pxvgr�ms, oi�nize ine euparvisozs, fiad tne <br />referees, e�c. <br />3) Maintenance: Hix�e m�intenance men, organize their work load, or to <br />Find himself acturally working on maintenanee. <br />Activities regarding funding available to the community are not too gseat <br />these days because of scarcity of £unds. 'Chis may clange, but the Disector <br />xi11 always make an effort to get funds into the comunity as they are <br />available. <br />Salary quotes xere xide. An unexperienced Director hired directly out <br />of college is getting a starting salary of $8,000. Fosmer assietant's <br />in other communities trying Yor a Director job of their own stsrt out <br />at $12,000 to $13.000 a year. (Roseville's zssistant got $13,OOQ but he <br />we.s excellent, when he xent into another comonmity as Dixector.) <br />Anothsr su88estion xas that the Unlverstiy of Mianesota haa jnst s+astad <br />this year a progzam of letting their Park students go out into a como�mity <br />for one qnarter o£ their study to �s+_ in an eight hour day at no pay mder <br />the supezvision af a Park Director. The feellag of Mz. Yicklund and <br />Mr. Hsffeman i+as that Mounde View, if they hired a Dixectcr, could be <br />in an excellent poaition to have a favorable response f:om the Univexsity <br />on their placing one of these st�ents vith us. <br />A Ya2k Director xould be expected to ]ay out a park with some assistnnoe <br />irom the Engineer (topographiaal studies, dxainage, etc.), racomeetd <br />13nd acquisi.tion, look for funds, run progzams, opesate atintensnce <br />department, xork on the budget, do psper xork, plus more noi enumexated. <br />All Park Dix+ectoxv and Assistants are atuned to a publlcatl�n called <br />"MinnesotaAecreation Park Aasociallon" a;:d we will fi:�d tt::., puCllcation <br />will'get to the paople xe xant to get to". Mr. Hsffoman said Lo advsrtiae <br />for a director in tMs nagazine, not the pspers. He ssid Mr. Gos�don Star <br />at the University of Mlnnesa'a is the �ezson to contact and he rill Snser! <br />a s!,•asate sheet of yrper to every AssOCiation membara mailings with our <br />adwrtiaement for a lark and Recreation Di=ector. <br />ADJOIJANEDiThie portion of the Cosm7.saion's meeting wae adjourned at 10i1$ p.m. <br />Thank yous xere ertended to Mr. Yicklund and Mr. Haffeman for coming to <br />our meeting and answerins all the questions put to them. <br />BiBINE.95 Roger Hsuwgartner and Dennis i�lia xill meet xith Mr. Enealsot of Kssus- <br />l�,TING� Aade7eson ConetrucSion Co. and Mr. Hinar of Mina.r Fosd regasding possibls <br />]and donation by thaw to ths V12lage, :or a park on Silvsr tales Aoad and <br />Couaty Road H2, Thia meeting will take gixca at 10100 s.a, on Fridayr. <br />July 2g, 19�3. <br />✓ <br />