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1lWY1S YI�f PABK A91J t�xi:a&liiQi Ci�in :;::� <br />�ugnet 30, 1973 <br />Y117age Hall <br />Called to Otder� 6:3D p.a. <br />PR��'fi Roger Banmgastner. Ysyns Bmseister and Ba.rba.a Haake. <br />ASSII7Ti Lu�esne Peterson. Gozdam Fedor, Jacque C�pliu aad Doa Hodgas. <br />BISINL.SSs Joha Aomaan sutaitt�d hia :esipatian from ths Koimds Yletr Pasic <br />aud Racxaation Co�aission, �fiactivx Sa�ediate]y. Our thealra go <br />to Jolm foz dies tLs and dslp gi�m to thls Ca�aisdoa t6�ughout <br />tAe �eus. <br />Th� Mounds Viex Park ar.d Reczeation Co�l.ssioa sacei�ed a check <br />ia the aaount of $i0 ixon ihe Koimds Vier JaeCeea to do ritlt as <br />xe ear iit. Ye wuld like to e�ctend onr thank �o�.to thnt organiaation <br />for tAe noney. <br />MacussSoa ensned on rin.t xe coald foxasee in ra�xd to aapdtol <br />eacpmditures for 1974, Roger will Isoe eome of this inYo�.tion <br />sead� for Dennis Zrlla in the nasr futmt. <br />ADJOURBF.D 7t3d Y•=: <br />sexi �etin6: 3epEcaber 27. 1973 at 6�30 P,s. in tAe ViIIaSe tlall. <br />!lS.nvEes enmitted $: Be.rbaxa Hsake, Sacsetary. _ _ <br />