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� <br />� f <br />?:�JN�'a VIEM tAqA ev� �EX:RFI.TI�N C�Fii4IuST�N� /f ��/, , n <br />. <br />N�vemkr 2!� 79Zi-- _ --- -- <br />VillaQa H.1; _--------- <br />;ry;� <br />Ca?le; tc h�!er: G:t-y p.rt., <br />T!rt':'N:; R�ser l:ur�r_artn�r, G�ni�n Fedor, Jac�ue G�lin, Yayne Hurmeiste�� <br />Luverne PPtecr.��,� ana lari�ra Ha�ke. <br />P.?i��v; : )sn Hw�es. <br />M,,,rr"'r . kg^ruse-i as r.ea�i. <br />BIF.fyr^J:: Arv�a.vals for the two parcels o�e9 by Mr. Downing and Minar-Kraus � <br />Ar.�e^son ai�l h.� st+tr..�tied tu thez Sy Ytllage Attotney Meyex�s, <br />.he ar�a for skatir.� hae ieer. leval�d and expanded at Crov lsnd, <br />,�xePno:•,;� a�J'•���icrnet. Pa^ks. �- ��.nao�. �ti �� <br />T�e ir.�:crf.�'.i�n "�� tt.r pirlsnn RSnr Memori?? will be Ib" x 12" in <br />� 'Lhe p-i.ce ri' tn� fnscri6ing an9 the piaque itself wi11 be' <br />� colsted. <br />Prm�n.mmed 1_an�' ha� a)�T7ach_M ine Village for greliminary plat approval <br />�n agp:rort�at�iyelev�n acr=s 1�^ate� a± t:�e nortt� corner of Highxay <br />rY�� ar.:: Nighway Aver,ue. � <br />?L^-P (C�}2ia-�r,Ake) to racommend t� th� C�uncil tt�at they reqvest <br />� z car.t �e�licat!on f'rom Tr�sxammei Isnd f�r psrk teveU�ment Sn � <br />?'cunds View in a°c��ance xith �zYinance /t42,h, ihe ly/� GAprc- <br />ner,sive Par4: Plua d�es not in3l.cate nor ieclude a park site in � <br />this arna. 6 ayes, -- _ <br />�— -- <br />, "^.r. Ke:tirk� a�kcM the Villa�e far agproval of his hvrsei Green- <br />, -� fie2i rlat P:�. 3 Najor Subi+_vision consisting of 16 lots, <br />PLS► (H�a!:�-redorl *..o ;ec�mmeni t� the C�uncil ttfat they request <br />a cash '.er:`�aticn fmm Mr. Harstad �n the above parcel <br />�-� fo^ n:r' de��clap;eent in Maunds Vi^w in accor.iance xith Qi+dieance <br />k42.n7. T�.e Iy,�� C�m�wrh!r.sive hrk llan i�es r.�t indicats nor <br />Sr.clva^ a;^^k sit� in th+_e a:�ea, i ayes. <br />lfseu�eien �f rink att:endant� toek ?lsac. Mot'e qu8iI1f16d appllCa[tts aTe <br />needF�i c:ir.�� •.,r �r.�.a?xpmn:,'.: ar.e �2 xtr,enda�t=.r:�� ? :nbsitt.utea. <br />'Th^ r'���ea f, t� .. t,. , r,�, and :�in� t.� ,n ._..... ucre x�eviewed and <br />will k�: re-typed. A r.ret:n� s::.�+: ths aiLandan�will he held d�ttrL�.#�he <br />ueo?t�c�f Decemb�r 1�", 19??, o� (a � 3 p pry� <br />M:,� (Fd�r-Haake) to rccr.r,i�end to tim Council the hiring of <br />—� Luvern^ neterson as Rink Supervi�z� fnr the sum of S3•'M an <br />hwr, ,o!. to exc^ed 12 hours a xeak. b syes. <br />Ne re:leuel thg expixation d�tes on this COOWlS6S1CA up for appointaent <br />January :, 19y4. <br />Iti9P (Peterson-Haake) tr rec�mmend tu Lhe Guncil the x+e-a��intnrnt <br />of Yayne Bn-eieister ani C�ri�n Fadcr to th:a C�mmissi�n. � ayeis. <br />A1J�URN�e ��4q p.m. <br />Ne�ct meetin�: Decenber 27. 19�3, 6r30 p.m. Sn the Vi1Lge Nall. <br />Minutes sub!nitted byi 9arffira H3ake. Seoret:.ry. <br />J <br />