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MOUtiDB VIEM PARR AND RF.QtPsA4I0N COlUlISSiON <br />DeceAber 27, 19�3 <br />Village Hs21 <br />Called to Qtderr 6�45 p.s. <br />PRESENTr Roger Haungartner, Cordon Fedor, Jacque Coplin, Yayne Hur�eistsr� <br />Luverne Peteraon and Barbera Xaeke, <br />ABSE?IT: <br />MINUTES� <br />Don HodRes <br />Agproved ae read. <br />7P.EASCRtE9'S <br />REPOtiTi Approv�d �s presented. <br />B[J::II�'_.SS: The appraisal for the pmoperty located on the rtorthe�at cornar of Silver <br />Lake Foad and Coun:y Road H2 xas accepted by the vrners, Ki�a:-iCraus <br />Anderson. Mr. Downfng, the nxner of the property lxaied to the naz�th <br />of ldcodr.reat Park, did not aecept the �17,000 appraised fisure fax� his <br />three acre parcet. <br />� letter f�ae Attarney Cick Meyere regarding the appraiesl on the valuttion <br />of the 8� acres ef undsveloped land oxned by Pre�as�ed Lsnd xas rtad to <br />the Co�risaion. The B} acres are appraieed at s10,000 peT acre. <br />MSP (Bvneister/Copl:n) to reco�send to the Cout�;:il to require e <br />10� cash dedicatian to :he Park and Recreatioa Fund in aceo2�dance <br />wfih Ordinance A�2,0? fron the entire 21 acre subdiviaSon sequested <br />by Prograaaed Land located a: Highway Drive and H16hway No, 10, <br />The lql0 Comprehensive Park Plan doea not indicate not include a <br />��:.ic site in this a�ea, 5 ayea, Hau�gartner abstained. <br />Ra�arding Nr. Keith HarsiaA's Proposed Greenfield Plsi No. 3 Major <br />S3bdfvision ccnsisting of 16 lots: Mr, Haratad wlthdt�ex his sequest <br />until some future date when he vould try to develop aad subdivide a <br />larger paroel in the aue area arn? would than dedicate and bcild a park <br />to eerve his entlre subdivision. <br />Dtscusalon of a Park und Aecreation Director took The npplicanta <br />have been r.arrrnred down to three p�slbiliti.�, Int�rviewe x:th theae <br />fina2le.�a xil] take place nn .Tarmary 9 or 7.0, 1 qJ4 vith the Councfl and <br />thie Conaiesion in attendsance. • <br />MSP (Peterson/FEdor) to rc+couend t� ths C�uncii W aceepi our <br />pro�oeed meMaent to Chapter 42,0� regarding land dedicati� to <br />psrks to read ae folloxa� <br />Puks arrl Playgrounda, The subdivider of any tract of land � <br />xhich ±.s to be developed for reaideatial usas shall dedicate io <br />the Qul,lic ia� puLlic use u parka ani play�ounds ihat perceatage <br />of the tract {o � subdivided xhich'em�responds xith the applieable <br />dermity of !he subdivialon Sn the follwing sehelule� j <br />�Gross Densi�L �„� <br />0-2 dwell�g unita per acra 'T� �'p aj0 <br />o�ex' 2-3 dwelling units per acrs 6 �� �fo <br />`\ ewr 7-4 dwelling unib per acre g �yo�0 <br />, „ <br />\ <br />