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MOUNDS VTn',N PARK .4NB REQtEATION COM"tiSSION <br />m qep,ulur Meettng <br />�,.'� }ty Ha17 <br />lanuary ?!�, '97u <br />Called ta Qrder: 6i90 p.m, <br />PFtF.SE1NT: Rn;��r BaunKwrtoer� Chrttrmxn� NPmbere. Wapn� AUrpI�IAL�'T� .1AC�U9 Coplin� <br />linr�virn Hanke and I.uvei•nr PFloraon, CuanL, Leug Bryant, Mounda View <br />Park and Recreation Director;commencing Februa,ry 1, 19y4, <br />A2lGNTe llonald Hodges and Gocdun Fedor, <br />MINOTF.S: AgProve<1 as read, <br />PUSTt1F.SSr Mr, Do�rn!ng, the owner cf the prnp?rty locxted on the north line of <br />Woodcrest ParL., re,jccl.�•d our $1?,�00 appraf.^.ed ffgure for ht, thi�ee <br />acre parcNl. Richard htr�yers, City Attorney, recaonnnded postponement <br />of coademnation prnceedlqgs unttt thla epring xh�n ha xfll initiste <br />rondranz+.ton on othe^ parcels locate3 in the ncrth of Mounda VSeK <br />Citys at that iime, thr. Downing property xi17. be included, <br />� Mr. B^im npp�ared before th1.^, Commission regarding his property located <br />in Mounds Vtew's Indu�trial Park. H^ has a purchaser £or 8 acres in <br />. his Lot 3(cemrr:sed of a totnl acreage of l+1,17) and xanted to diacuss_ <br />la�d o- casA dedtratScn to the Park Fund, He sald $.9 acres ats under- <br />xater and that there was more lrnr ]and ta the south of this water arra, <br />He discuvsr.d xith Ken Simon of Ramsey County Open Space the pa.sibility <br />of thls erea MinA drdical:ed for park purposes in connection xlth the <br />plar, Rnm3ey CountY O�n Space ha� for Rice Craek, ThSa Oommisnlon <br />�' felt t3��ey xould hi� recommen3t�tion same r;onclderatl.nn, talk to <br />..� ' Hen Simon an3 look over the area' under question. Our recommendation <br />Mi.Sl YC Q�SVRp later, . .� <br />The election of offic�rs for the 1y�4 year will � postponed for a fex <br />nonths, In the interim, Ao�er Baumgartner xill c�ntlnu� to serve a.., <br />Chairman and Mr. Doug Bryant,who xill bP �ur r.ex Park arul "xe�r.eatlnn <br />D7rector, will serve as secretary. <br />Thera wll.l 1w 1.wo nr.x op�nln�e: on Lhr YnrY nmi I�nrr�n�inn Cnmmtnntnn <br />fn 11 PON monlhd, no nny augr,o.161ons 1'��r naw membecz wil:l be wole�+med, <br />Nuch diecusston was had wi9.h Mr. Bcyant and thla Cawis�ion, �,uestiona <br />and anowers were entertaloed by both. � <br />ADJOURNED� <br />8+45 o.m,. <br />Next Meeting� FPbruary 28, ].97u, 6i30 p.m. 7n th? Clty Hall, <br />Ninutr_s subnittod by Barbera Haake. Seeretary, <br />� <br />