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Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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MOl?�lUS VtrW P4RK ANll RECHEATION COMh7ISSI0N . <br />Regular MeetinE : . <br />: ity H311 . . � <br />Pebr��ury :!:�i, 19%4 . .. <br />7a11�•d :o Onier: 6:7C o.m. <br />pa:.•_':�;'; Hc�,^,er I;aum:;artnec, Chairman; Idem'oers Wayne Hurmeiste2', Jaeque Cog:1n, �. <br />�- rt-.r: Ha�'r.o. I.•�verne Fr.te^son, Gordon Fedor an3 Donald Hodges. <br />Yar'r, a�d iiecrea`.ion ;lSrecto^ Dou;-. isryant. <br />>�1;;��r��:; Anprnve-.i as rF�:t�l. <br />Pi1�Il<;5.,: "^r. S�e'�,ti, N��..r.;t.nri :�paear�•d before thi� Commission to discuss tKO paTCels <br />of 7��na F�e ;r',she�a ?r dcvelr�p in the n�ith?i'n pa.Tt OF MOWIdS V7,¢N. �rte <br />Fv r:•el, cbnsis.tin; ^f :-i 'een prcro:e�i residential lots, desigrtated as <br />pr^n�r.�^ �%r�en`i_el,'. ?'',?t. *:n.3. is Lurderefl on the xest side by Bona HifBd, <br />c� i!:� ^:�n h," �011^.'_' �'�'3!� I and on the e��t, by proposed Edgexood Drive. <br />�r.. ���r ;.a��el 9; i� +hA s�proxir�z�e arFa of proposed Ed�ewood Drive <br />a.:�:-: �illvicx i?oaa. fie ie cnn:.idering total development of the area xhieh <br />wc��ld ^ov.i.^t oi' 1G acrc:s. The parcel at Edgexoo3 Drive <br />an�l ;?:llview Rna�? �:�11�9 con!.ain four toxnhouses with eight unitc in eaeh�. <br />T.his pa.r^�rl c:<:�,1�1 leave t.iir. majority ef its land area open to provide <br />= hr�liin:� ��9, svinming pool and tenni^ courts. ThiS irocreat1oA81 BTea <br />would he mainta.inri by �. home owner.s acsociation comprised of the <br />r.esi:ients in teth o£ th= �arcels Mr. Harstad presented. He felt the <br />accepta.^.�e oi' hi: pro�nsed plan wculd ��.2ffice as land dedlcation for <br />pe.rk pvrpo:e� ��nler oar Ordinance No. 42.07. It was felt by the Park <br />and Recreaf,inr ^om?ics'_on that the sr.g^ration of the two pe.rcels xith <br />nothin� fn��icatir.� a conti�uity beti+een them, lent to the impxactibility <br />ef a home owr.��e -:ss.oria'.i.on. It was also the epinion of the Commission <br />that :�ith +.F^ existen�e of a park to the imme3i2.te north of the garcels <br />Pir, te develop already consisting of 94.6 acres, there . <br />wr,uld be r-: nrec�. for more land in that immediate area. .� <br />M11SP (Petero^r,/P.L;rr:�ister)t^ recomme:�d to the Ccuncil to re±qulTe a l� <br />ca:�h ded�catinn to the Fark end RecrFation Fund in accordance with <br />Ordinance N���?.0'? £rom i;he entire 15 acre ::utdivl:;ion reqvested. by <br />Kei`.i: Ha_ri;a:ar? in. the �r�,roxim�_i,e ve,r,�;,� of Hi.11vEru Hc1:3, B�na Noad� <br />:o�:���+.;� Foa�', i. and prupe•�::ed Ed���wno�i �rive, The iy'C :on:,�r���� .�n^,ive <br />Parl; Plz1 does n�t indicate ner S.n;:lude a park site in this area. <br />7 ayes. --- - -- <br />A subiivi.^.ion vra: askr,d for by Nr. Deim of PftK Inve�tment in Mo+.mds VieW's <br />Industrial Park. Permicsion wae gran:ed by the Planning Commisslon on <br />F�bruary 27, 19�4 with the stinulation ttk1t the Park and Reci'eatioa Co�amis� <br />sion review th� subdivisiun reques+, and reco:nmend to the Council land os <br />cash dedication for park puzposes. Mr. Ken Simon of Ramsey County Open <br />Sgsc¢ wys cor.tacted by this Commission regardin� land dedlcation in this <br />area: Nr. Simon says that the parcel Mr. Heim xould consider for psrk <br />dedication i� not in the Open Space's over-all plan and th2y xould not <br />be interested in pumtasing it far their purposes. It t+a� felt by this <br />-J ;,;: <br />
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