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Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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9/5/2014 9:24:07 AM
MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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6?ound; Vi.-•w P1rk and Recreation Commissior. -2- Febzvary 28� 19%4 <br />�'� 111'FGlOh <br />�fE�ia� a c�ty garY, in this area would be of very little beneflt to otu� <br />o;tizer,ry; that it wcvla be in an Ir.dustrial Par& development area; <br />t.hat it borders di?•ectly on the Mounds View%New Brighton city linea{ <br />zr.�! th�:.t our Cociprehen.sive Plan do�s not in3lcate a p9:rk in LhiB alea. <br />615Y (hnr^:��ister�Petersan) to recommend to the Councll to iequire a 10� <br />ca-h 'edication i�.o the Pa.rk and Recreation Fund in aecctd8nce tdth MR' <br />nr,?inance #li2.0y froR the suhdivsion requested by P$K Investment in <br />te:e hicunds View Industrial Park �ite. The 19�9 Comprehensive Pa=k <br />Plan dcea not indicate r.or irclude a park site in thie a3'ea. 7 ayes,. <br />pan P'.^Farlan9, Kip Lin�lnvi=t. ard Harold SFavik� an assistant Park & <br />Recma'•.ioc �irec!or f.i ;nl•.�mbia f{ei�;hts whr Nill be a pezmartent <br />re_i�iont in I4o�mdr Ui��w by Fia; l;t, would like to be considered for <br />appcinCment to tiie !wo varanciee that eill be available on the Park <br />and Recr�et9.on Cemmi.ssion. Noger Eaum�artner asked the Commissioners <br />to f,r�arci all intere�ted parson� names to him and we Hould interview <br />th�r, ai. a later dai.e. <br />A letter from the S!� (Savc O;en Space) organization xas forwarded to <br />Mr. 3=yant.. Aft.=r N�-r. Ar,ant studiec it, he xill make his recommendation <br />to this Commission and to the Comicil on tMs subject. <br />Heview ws:: a,gain had on th� wording of the proposed amsndad Subdivision <br />Rr�ulation. ihe sl.idin� :cale po:ti�n dealin� xith cash dedicatton to <br />the Park and Becreation Fund suEge^ts percentages Uased on dxelling <br />numbers per acre in residential areas. Since pementages are dependant on <br />land valu-�tion of the acre�ge, an3 land value is a constantly ch3nging <br />thin� which wovld require appxaisal of each parcel un�er consideration, <br />it rraa felt a caah dollar 3maa�t vould be more practieal. This will <br />be di:.cus�e-; f�rther befor.e final reco�.mendation will be given. <br />Rog.r.r Eaun.-artner. su�;;���ste�i �;o�,e priorities; in �etting the park� ready <br />for the suren:r reoreat,onsl season. ,rovelan!i Park -- all sort� of <br />hel.r ia o°fr.r��d by the ,JayCees, e:,c. We heve a �xading plan, a eite <br />n'.ar; .,'uc7�T�� _.. ofe..,�,.� b:; .. w��.f..� �ic.1:aN«ent - pert:;,,' >r:��iing <br />r.�.�.ild. br. dor,c a� so�r. a.: po�ai�ulo and a ballf'ield by Kay 1$th, Skin <br />thc infield:> on Lambcrt, Oakwood and HillvleW. Play�round equipir.ent <br />should be put up when park ar=a� are ready for it a� designated an <br />"Play Ap�ratus Bou�ht and Availabl.r., 1973" shect�. <br />Mr. Bryant and Jacque Coplin reported un the conbined school�munlcipality <br />sharn�l recreational fac�li.ties cor:cept.. Mr, Bryant said we will have the <br />right to use the pl.ay areas at the schools in oar community, but the <br />community has to �raintain iBe areas. Jacque Coplin i� our representative <br />on tr�e Suhcommittee of Lighted �7ecxrational Facilities. There xas a <br />su�gestion 3.n the subcommittee of lighting the tennic dourt� at Ed�ewood <br />
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