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� <br />CN:\��i�I�};U}�i;7 <br />ROLL CALL <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />4/25/74 <br />CHAIRMANS REPORT <br />MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE <br />PARK AND�RECREATION dDP47ISSI0N <br />CiTY OF PIDUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />SfATE OF MINNESOTA <br />Regular Seae_ton <br />June 6, 1974 <br />City Hall <br />The Mounds View Park and Recreation Commiesion <br />met in regular session and was called to order <br />by Chairman Baumgartner at 6:22 P.M. .� � <br />Chairman Baumgartner, Commissioners Wayne Burmeister, ��� <br />Jacque Coplin� and Don Hodgea, Also preaent was - <br />the Director of Parks and Recreation - Doug�Bryant, .� �. <br />MotYon by Commissioner Buxmeister and seconded by � <br />Commissioner Coplin to approve the minutes of t6e � <br />April 25, 1974 meeting. The motion passed unmimously. <br />Chairmen Baumgartner beg,an hie report by complimenting <br />the Park and Recreation Department on their Summer <br />Brochure, <br />He also commented tt�at he hoped programs would be <br />well received and succeseful. � � . <br />Chairman Baumgartner proceeded to complimant the <br />Public Wosks Superintendent and the Director oP <br />Parks and Recreatian on the amount and quality of <br />work completed rela[ive to parks. <br />Commissioner Heake arrived at 6:40 P.M. <br />LAKESIDE PARK The next item on the aganda - Iakeside�Park - . <br />was introducedl,by the Ct�airman. Ha then turned tha <br />discussion over to the Diractor, Doug�.Sryant, e�lw� <br />presented his recommendation to terminata�the <br />annusl wntribution to Lakeside. The Director also <br />presented pout�ihle alteru�f,�.�+�ara aur� tunding and <br />management. A diecussion"edaued. ` <br />Mr. Bryant pointed out that he had tslked to th� <br />Rameey County Park and Recreation Depastment sa� <br />Lnkeeide Park and ehat there mny tis a poaeibilil <br />they would tie intarasted in operating the Park. <br />Harnvar, nothing concreta was davelopad since'a <br />formal proporal musi: be msda to the Rem�ey Count <br />Park end Racreation Comsi�sion. <br />