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�- lfemo To: Park and Recreation Commiaeion <br />Froo: Doug Bryanc <br />Date: September, 1974 <br />In developing a Haster Plen end priorLty liat for perk development, vhicfi <br />will constitute e beautifully completed Qark system, we should alwttys keep <br />in mind for plan�ing purpoaes and analysis the funetional classification <br />end definition of the varioua levels of parks. <br />In genaral there are three bnsic categoriea of parks thac reiace io haar�3: <br />Vieva needs ---- neighborhood, comunity, and netropoliten, HoMever, ve <br />are eaet relative to the concept of neighborhood parks. <br />Nainhborhood Parks - relativaly soell but iatensively develop�d parks <br />haviog easy accasaibility of residenta within a dlstance of no more than <br />three-fourths oite in eost cases. Siae oay vary from a portion of a city <br />block to several ac-ne. Most apace ie put to soae intenaive uae es opposed <br />to larga opan la�scaped areas. Neighborhood parks are fureher categorizad <br />as playlots, playgrou�s, and playfields. <br />Plavlots . are for use almost rholly by smsll children. Their size <br />averages roughly tYO acres !n area, a� their function ie eo provide <br />play facilities for susll children rho are not canveniently aerved by <br />by lerger parka. <br />Plevarounds - are usuelly about 5 acrea in siae and are detigned for <br />ase by chiidren £rom pre-school to age 12. 17roy contain et leaat one <br />eoftball diesond e� a hard-aurfaced area vith standards for baakeeball <br />end volieyball. If space is evailable, playgrounds mey contein a <br />wading pool. tennis court, playlot, and a amll shelter rith toilatt. <br />Their radius of influence ranges from one-foureh to ana-half mlle. <br />Plavfields - vary in size froa 10 to 30 aeres and are da�ignad to prwida <br />recraetion opportunities for ali agas. They conYain all the facilitias <br />of a playgromd plus additional ball diesond�. largar shelter�, tannis <br />courts, larger hnrd surfaced ateas for badsinton and shufflaboard, <br />hor�eshoe courts, and a large landscapad araa and lighting £or adult <br />waning use. Their radius of influence rengaa fros oM-helf to thraa- <br />fonrths mile. <br />Comunlri .erk� - relatively large parkt wwily having naGUral soeMtie� <br />end detigned for co�unity-vide wcial a�d recrastional functions. Co�unity <br />parks are generally �wtad for �uch activitia� a� picnicking. �trolling. <br />n�i�ing, and activa guing. Lighted areas for evsning play ara prwldad. <br />In ganaral cos�unity parks heve a much graater sMre of thair area laft in <br />it� natural open atate thm do neighborhood parks. <br />Matr000litan Perkt - vary large perks, whieh, bacause of their phy�ical <br />ettraotion� a� unutuel davalopoent, provide racreation opportunitias dwal- <br />opad tpaclfieally for a sstropolitan area's nead�. and whieh provida ractea- <br />tion lntera�ts tiiet ara not norylly sacisHad in naighborhood or corwnity <br />parkr. Numerous visitor� ars attrectad to wtropolitan perk� itra�p�etiva <br />of phytical barriars to eravel or of politieal boundaria�. Matropolitan <br />patk� provide for racrae[lonal aetivitier thet occupy tha mejor poriion of <br />a day or longer. such as eamping, hiking, fithing, and boating. In meny <br />cares relatively 1lttle development of fecilities is naeded. <br />