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tdINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE <br />PARK riND RECREATION COAAfISSION <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUb'TY OF FAMSEY <br />S2ATE OF MINNESOTA <br />Reg��7ar Session <br />December 5, 1974 <br />City HaZZ <br />CaLZ To Order The Moemds Vieru Pcmk cmd Recreatiore Commisaion <br />met in regulur session med was caZled to order <br />by CSuiirman Batung�tner at 6:35 P.M. <br />RoZl CaZZ Chairmcm Roger Bmongcu+tner, Commissionera Wayne <br />Bzermeister, Jacque CopZin, Barbana Aaake, Cordon <br />Fedor and LuVern Peteraon. Alao present ruas ex <br />officio neo� member Kip Lundquist and the Di.rector <br />of Parks and Recreation Doug Brymxt. <br />Approval ef Minutes <br />10/24/74 Motion by Cormmissioner Burm¢ister cmd second¢d <br />by Cwmnissioner CopZin to ap�rove the mixutes of <br />the October 24, 1974 meeting. 2he motion paes¢d <br />un¢nimously. <br />Chairman's Report G7z¢irman Bawngartner eaZZed on the Director af <br />Parks and Recreation to report on the status of <br />the Joint Poruers Agreement betrueen the City of <br />Mounds Viem and SchooZ Distriet #621. <br />The Director stated that the agreement mas not <br />passed when presented to the aehooZ board. He <br />added that a feru minor changea had to be rmtde <br />by the City Attorney before finaZ approvaZ, whieh <br />he hoped ruouZd be made at the Janu�y 13, 1995 <br />School Board meeting. <br />Next, Chairman Ba:angartner asked what the statue <br />mas of the tax forfested Zanda discuased at the <br />October 24, 1974 meeting (Code 59-00500-330-75). <br />The Director mentioned that the property raaa <br />�uaiting Council action and that he �uouZd discuas <br />the matter r,rith the Clerk-Acbministrator cmd <br />report at the next regu7ar session. <br />Chairvr,an Baw�agartner continued his report by <br />infozming Corm�isaiorrera that thia meetittg ar¢s <br />th¢ Zast regular aesaion of 1974. Ciutirm� <br />Baumgartner added that he and Commiaaioner ffiodges <br />�uould no Zanger be aeruing the City as Pcmk mtd <br />Recreation Commissioners and that their resig- <br />nation maa effective Januazy 1, 1975. A brief <br />discussion foLtrnued. <br />