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lfIIiDTES QF T!� PROCEBDINGS OF Ti� <br />PARK AND R6CRSpTION CQt8�fI5SI0N <br />CIlY OF MOtTNDS VIEW <br />WUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />Regular Sesaion <br />April 24, 1975 <br />City Hall <br />Cell to Order The ltounds View Park and Recreation Commission met in retular <br />session and was called to order by Chairman Peterson at 6:35 p.�. <br />Roll Call Chairman Vern Peterson� Conmissioners Yayne Burmets[er, Gordon <br />Fedor, and Barbara Haake. Also j,resent were Councilman <br />Roaer Baumgartner and the Director of Parks and Recreation� <br />Dwg 8ryant. <br />Approval of Hinutes Hocion by C�issiones Naake and seconded by Comnieaioner Fedor <br />to approve the minutes of the March 27� 1975 meetins. The motion <br />passed unanimously. <br />Chairman's Report Chairman Vern Peterson co�ented that he had reviewed the areicle <br />on the Riee Creek elean-up project� whieh utilized youth <br />�ployees vho vere from disadvanLaged families. Ne questioned <br />vhat the criteria vere to be classified as disadvanta;ed and <br />also asked if the work aeeomplished was as areat in quantity and <br />quality as non-disadvantaged workers. <br />The Director of Parks and Recreation pointed out the guidelines <br />for qualifying for this proaram vere established by the Federal <br />Covernment and that they were the same standards as established <br />by the U.S. Department of Lebor. <br />Co�issioner Fedor felt that all youth seekina employment should <br />have an equal opportunity to vmrk. The Director cau¢ented t6at <br />t6e pro�ram vas established because there had been discrimination <br />aaainst disadvantaged youth. A brief discussion followed. <br />Ne�ct, Chairman Peterson asked for su�ges[ions on chanains the <br />meetina dates. C�issioner ILaake sugsested the third Wednesday. <br />A discussion ensued. <br />Motion by Co�issioner Fedor and seconded by Caunissioner <br />Burmeister to hold the Park and Recreation Co�iasion meetinas <br />the third week in May, June. and July� at 6:30 p.m. The motion � <br />passed unanimously. The next meeting would be May 21st� 1975� <br />at City Hall. <br />Cbairman Peterson continued his report with a lalter received <br />from a Mrs. Hartha Jordan. He polnted out that thia letter <br />advxates more parks and open space. He added ehat lfra. Jordan <br />should be thanked for her letter and intereat. <br />Facilities Use Policy The Director of Parks and Recreaeion preseneed a park facilities <br />use policy co co�isaioners. Councilman Baumaartner pointed <br />ouc that che pollcy should be aiven to all council members <br />once adopted. <br />