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MINUTES OF 7HE PROCEEDINGS Of 7NE <br />PAKK AND RECltEA7TON CUMFi15S101Y <br />CITY OF MOUNOS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAhISEY <br />STATE OF MINNESt1TA <br />Regu,P�n. Seae.i.on <br />Auguat 14, 1975 <br />c.�.ty r+aa.tee <br />CaeP .to..Unden The tbunde Vi,¢w Pank 8 Recnea,Li,on me,t .in �c¢gu,Caa 6ea6.i,o�n <br />and une �cP.Ced to ortde�c by Cha,�uian Pe.tenaon a,t 6:30 p.m. <br />RoZC CaP,e Cha.inman V¢�[n Vetycaon, Commi,�w Wayne Bunnw,i.a�ex� Gon.don Fedon, <br />Jacqae, Wayne. we6ei,n, and &u.6 Haake. Atao pue.een.t cwne <br />Counc.i.Pnnn Rogen 8aumgart.Us¢n, the D.i�.ectoa o6 Pankb and Reenea.Li.on, <br />Doug &cyan.t� and pnngnam Supenv.i.eort, Manc,ia deLaBrtuelse. <br />Apprtova.f o6 Mo.tion 6y Wayne Bunmei.ate�r, and aeeonded by Fedoa .to <br />µinates app2ove .the minu.tea o6 ,the Apn.i,f 24, 1975 meeting. The mo,ti.on <br />padb¢d ananimouePy. <br />Counci.Pman'a Coune,i.fman Roge�c¢�c rtepo�,ted .tha.t a me¢,ting uq6 heLd <br />Repon.t a nepR¢evnta,Li,ve ywm lak¢a.ide Pank xeauRtod .i.n a diecuae.i,on <br />on ofihe�c n�eane od 6unding Lak¢ Partk-o#he�c .than Ci,ty 6unde. He <br />noteG .tha,t he rtequea.ted #he Partk n.epneaen.ta, .to eonauLt <br />wi-th the [ Pank Comn�.ee.i.on .to meaawee .in.tenea.t .in <br />Rameey and/oa Anoka Coun.ty Funding .in pan,t ort .in wkoCe. The <br />aepneeen.ta, eta.ted he wouYd cheek and get back .to &uungon.bien.. <br />counci[man 8aumgwt.bien .then queeLi.oned eommi.6a.i,one�c6 aa .to 6eeY.inge <br />on aending #he D.inee.ton o5 Pw�ke and Reaceation #o Reunaey and <br />Anoka Coun�tiee #o aeek bunding. A bn.i.eb di,aeuee.i.on �of.laved. <br />Cha,i�unn Peteh.aon made a mo.Lion .LO 6PJid .tltQ D.U[QCLOR .LO RA1118QJJ QMd <br />Moka Counxiee. aa a Ci,ty Repaea¢, �ox the pwepoee a� aeeking <br />6unda and/ort nanagemen.# .intelc¢4.t .i,i Lak¢e, Paxk. Coxnu.eei.onve <br />�. eeeonded and #he na.ti.on paeeed mian.i.nauaty. <br />1916 Budge.t The nex.t i.tem on fihe agenda una .the 1976 8udg¢.t prt¢eentaii.on 6y .the <br />Dirtectoa. <br />Tke Yanka and Recnea.ti.on *J.ineetoa Evcog2eeeed .tlutough the en,til+e <br />6udget; 3500-Recneafi,i.on, 3600-Partke, 3700-Fo4eetxy, 9300-Aeti,v.ity <br />Fund. He �ce-eu��nined and jua.ti.6i.ed each ca.ta�o2y #o Conmaa.i.onene <br />The 6c'gni.6,icanc¢ os .ihe C.E.T.A. pnei, wae di.scueeed along uti# <br />tke othua .inen.eaaea. APao .i.t waa poi►zted out .tha.t� <br />.u�prtove�enze wue :neLuded and #ha.t a epeaiaP meexing shoutd be <br />kefd #o dete�uRine a S-yeart pnogaam. A d.i.eeu.aeion ¢naued. <br />Motion 6y Conniieetonen Naake ,to a�ipeove .ihe eoniptete 6udget ae <br />paesenxed .the ehangee .in eaYan.iee and ben¢S.i.te det¢nn�ined 6y <br />.the Ci.ty CounciR. The mo.tion uae eeconded 6y Commi.ea.ionen CopGin <br />and poeeed wtan.imou.;ly. <br />