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��� N?tll li, 197/ con� .::,�ed �----.. . - —�- <br />. . <br />7o-L6� ' <br />�' --- :. . �e riCir,� ha:, b�a+.a d_._cair.r.1 ta i,�• ti,; Er.s:e:;L gc� vi;: Fo:�: <br />u: r�... _�ciurt in tF.'.s uvatry�, o:8iix le._[le h.. b..erc •�o-�.± tu nccoc.�•:d _.. �i:;s a.r . <br />. , t•'..._N::�ut�d increav.� i, bic;�ct_ use, �::i • <br />t:�.i,52��5, Tne 6iay �la is no lom,�,er �� v+�hicie i�_'�:v_ifiad :;olaly witi adoley- <br />c.e;i7s, bu� ia iast�a•I ,u:chasad, ued ai.1 enjo_�ed by ., .�ida spectn.a o' �itie•an. <br />vi[Fin auc society, auC, ' <br />NL{:RE:S, iiie oicycle zen�i�sancn it accurrin; ir. :e-�:n.;<7 CounCy with a[te�denG <br />probLe�r,s oE increasin3 b:cycle cong_ation on r.r-�;�s and roaJvaya and aa iac=easieg <br />ca:� of bicycle-automubile accidents u't!� the County; Plow, Th_reFore Be It <br />Ec3J:.'vED, Shat [h_ Board of R;:ny�y Couaty Co�rmissionzrs h�reby daclares it� <br />w:liingn��s [o acczpt resporisibility for plaanino, dzveloprent and na?¢teaaace of <br />a sub-st�Ce regionsl "County-wida" bi::e-vay syste.c� ar.3 adopts tni� re?o.t enti[le-1 <br />^ii:i.YS=Y CGII?Th R£GI6V4I. R::CRL•.4T20`T SIFi'.dAY SYSTi�I" to guide iapiementatioa oF the <br />Cour.iy's accepted resoonsil�ility; and Be I[ Fuzther <br />RESOLVED, That the Open Space staf£ is authosixed and directed to pre�eet thts <br />report and system plan to the nunfcigalities v.i[hia kaas.�y ::ouaty, for thetr sub- <br />saquent review and approoal; aad Be It Further . <br />RESOLVED, That tfie Board of ftama�y Caunty Cu�uissioneta eneouraga muaieipal <br />o£ficials af eaeh muaicipali[y witk� the County to: . � <br />1. Coordimle their planniag for and develapmeut uf munieipal bikz-va� <br />aysteme c+ith the County-�ride regional plaa, and <br />2. Frae and adopt anifoca County-xida ordiaaacea for the regula[ioa oF <br />bieyelea and bilrQ-waye, and . <br />to faeilitate this end, tha Board of Raaeay Cauaty Co�issiouers authozizes ite <br />Open Sp?ce staEf to lend teahnieal aasiotaoee to �aieiQalitias in tSe olanaiag <br />and d�siga of coordinated bi?ce-vay systeme and to tLe Leagus of Aa�sey Couaty <br />ptuaieipalities in a meda: Coaa�y-dide ozdiaa�nce for adaptian 6y the <br />ir.uaic±�alitiee, aad Se It Further <br />. <br />FESOLVI:.i, 1^.�at the Cuunty's Depazteent of Parks an3 Aecreation aad Bi.ghvaya <br />are here6y direeted to coordinate their deparCent�' efforts to dQVelop a phaead <br />, 10-year fuading atrategy for s�,bseqvant reviev and appreval by [his Board. <br />�'.� a �~y*°'ca ' : � 4 � . . � • � . <br />� � a��- Y � . �' <br />r. <br />� ' - ' <br />3 .� <br />W,F .'�� ' y � .. , iy° . . <br />r r �: <br />yt� t r �.w � '' r ., <br />5^ � «ty,�`�'^ y,� 1 `"t � . <br />• iry ; y% t <br />�z R� � �' � . . <br />+1'If��'C+ y 'w t ' ' <br />''s �f ,: r,r 4.1 �. <br />i Y�/� ��n�1l�,i� i i ir�`g}�.'� J� . .� <br />r. a. n �yL..J1�4 ��`'� �i eY .� . <br />� � A '�I'.� � h . <br />4Y �'A <br />��.�!� <br />) � �•,,� � '� , - <br />/ i 4s6 � <br />1 • <br />.\�: <br />. y; <br />j�� �.� <br />� �.(.� .+F `'. . . . <br />i.� ' , <br />n <br />' � ' . <br />• <br />• '. �. . <br />. . . � , � ,•� . <br />