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SWlMM1NG <br />Reiresh yourselP Sp�ash a brt �e�a. •.r�yo,��h �� Lf f 5 <br />GO;SWIFAMING!!� . � <br />The'MOUntls�View Park & Recreation Oeparhnent w�ll olter a <br />Canpbte �ecreati0o81 arM.instructwrtal sw�mmmg program tor all <br />agesantlabiUliesatEDCaEWOODJR.HIGM- � <br />Unless ot�eM1Vise specisieA. ail regishations are on a hrst com� hrst <br />.Serve besis! R9gishations witl Oe �eltl at City Hall in con�urcnon <br />withaN othee Park and Recreation Department acn»nes <br />CIIII.DKF:X'� S�L'1\i\USG I.K��U\� <br />Clussfti aie (N chJd�en �vho d�s .3� Ir�dst 50 �n�h�. +ai� I,'..i�i�> <br />d[P. OtfelNO MOndflV thiauqh fo� L"� «���^� ��'�"� �" <br />S8.06 fm' 10 � 45 �nh�ute �ecsons ech:ch 6eq:n uri i�,�� hr.,�: Au <br />fir5t Session C.hddir�n'ti rtasses beq-:� [hr wrek nI Jnn. 10 �'a�t'�' <br />pants mu5t b� �i�� a su�t unA to�,vr� <br />We ask that you reg�ster your c�iltl in a dass accortllnq to �is or �er <br />partiCUlar swimming skiNS Listetl below is a tlesCnplion o� t�e skil�5 <br />needeC to enroll an0 Me mstruction schedule Please utilrze t�is <br />inPo�efion when regretenng yaur child for swimming lessons <br />PflE•BEGINNER� Class is designeC br t�e c�iltl who Oas had Fttie <br />water eMperit�nce arM may rrot be D�YSiCaXy anA menially aS ease <br />when in water. Fee is $9.00 for 10 � 45 mmine lesso�s. <br />MON. & WEO. 7:00-7:45 P.M. EDGEWOOD JR. HIGH <br />Class Uegins January 10 <br />BEGINNER: The cMkl w�o enrolls for Beginne�s snould be <br />0cqueinleA with the water and prepared Doth menjatly and <br />F,;,y—�;aa �: !p le2m »�n bas�r. skills of swlmming antl the proper <br />technpu�s. Also lor Mose who cannot swlm twenty-Gve ya�ds <br />trawl s�roke, tloat on stomach oi hack Fee rs 59.00 for 10 - d5 <br />minute lessons. <br />MON. & WED. �:OOJ:45 P.M. EDGEWOOD JR. HIGH <br />Class begins January 70 <br />ADVANCED BEGINNER: Mas successfully canpleted the Beginner <br />C�ess or is tapaDle ot Swimming on boM Meir front and Deck. <br />In4NUC�on will deal �uith relinement of basic swimming skills wit� <br />eR�pl�Ogis an waNr � aarery arM �entlurence. ChilAren w�o Aave <br />.. reCeivetl an Americart Red C�oss Beginner card should enroll here. <br />Fe¢ is 59.00 for }0- 45 minute Ietwns. <br />MON. & WED. 7:00-7:45 P.M. EDGEWOOD JR. HIGM <br />..� � Class begins February 74 <br />NVTERMEOIATE: Course �s sn�cn,rea ior me cn�a wno nas <br />�� mesfered the American Red Cross Ativanced Beginner cless and <br />� E�esiC fronE and back swimming strokes. Fee is 59.00 for 10 � 45 <br />� miwte lessonx <br />� MON. & WED. 7:00.7:45 P.M. EDGEYVOOD JR. HIGH <br />. . . � � Class begins February 14 <br />�� SWIMMER: ChiWren registering ta this cour.�e should have <br />� -�Canplatetl tAe Red Cross Intemietliate class and have an <br />understeMing of aCvance Sbdces and a canPle�e maslery ol <br />beabs. Empl�eals in courqe wiM De on refinement of all previously <br />Ieamed swimming sryles, en�:.�ance and versatility in th� water. <br />fee. is $9.00 for 10 � 45 minute lessons. <br />SATUflDAY� �� ���. 9•Q0�9:45 A.M. EDGEWOOD �R. HYGH <br />�' �,� Ctass beg�ns January 15 � . . <br />AUU4T BEGINNING & iMPROVEMEN'1' SWIMMING <br />ment311y at �ease in the watec Fee is39.V0 tar 10 � 45. minute <br />sessionswhichMginon.the�Mrouc Minimumfl � <br />. �TUES6AV 9:W8:45� P.M. �EDGEWOOD JR. HIGH <br />. � � � Glass beginsJanuary 11 <br />�-� <br />�u� ��� i;u i.rnr:..�� i�a :� <br />In,� ru-u;� �n I.�,dv�nq ,9rrr1 :u.�te: .aE'ety r�>en:�hte,,Fha �neiw#dd��,�° � <br />to e�v�• h:s omn I�Pe u� Ehitl bf anuthei' tn thnkVamt'o{;,yn.a9v8€`t�E". <br />emN�ye+ieY. Pe�,ons �vho Ihw.° {�asscY.F[jmu lU[h Ait€IldaY� afB,eS ,� <br />.�.�d nhy�icaf�Len, dntl Nava gta0�1 StVUnrtling s'kdlS 14fu1� "�:. " <br />n� i,� H. �•�.ixr�amn 14. Cov is Si'lAQ (oi �12-.2�ht�Uf sPS4toCt'g . <br />SA.50 w:ll br collecU�U ef the f�i:t nleehrtg, [b r,oVer tFla GQ91 qf <br />nnaks n�rl r�aleiials lin atldtlrnn to nhnvr feP1. _ _.� <br />�4ONUAV fl 00 10.04 P.M. EDGEWO00 JR. <br />Class heqniti Jarrutvy lO <br />swim� ��:vu,�rnv err <br />Th�. .,i p�oyiam v+hich 9iveti appnitunitV <<�� ��;� and diStaRC(� <br />.�v:nini�ny lnJ�v�JunK may keep a rurtning char[ of di5tpnqQF� <br />.ivem. Drztdncr. o� 10 mdeti aod moie �re qUalifl2d YqC F�Cfi <br />Crnss i�tcOy�nbor nn[I Ce�fdmatinn_ Minimum 6, mdximum.lQ�. <br />Cost �s 58.00 tor 8� 45 minute swim tima � <br />THURSDAY 8:00�8:45 P.M. EDGEWpOp PQ� <br />Classbe�nsJanuary.}3 � � <br />PA[tENT :►ND TOT <br />This class �s designeC tor 8�- 5 year okls, to acqusint Msch�dwil <br />Me water both D�YSicaNy and mentally. Eftffet pefMt iMl <br />accomoany child in the waler � but, only one pMMtCfll� <br />conbination. The tirst session wilt be a meefmgiw pa[61�fB V�IJF <br />NO SWIMMING. Fee is $9.00 tor 10 � 45 minule 9eSeionB... <br />TUES. & THURS. 7�00�7:45 P.M. EDGEWOOD Jfl. Nliil <br />Class heqins January 11 � <br />ADUI.7' SUPF.R CHICKEN � � <br />For those people. Aigh school age and up, wbo have e[eN Ilet:i <br />wate� Here is your opportunity to overcane tDet fear erM bam:l <br />swim. The �ee is 59, W far 70 � 45 minute sessions � <br />TUESDAV 8�.00�8:45 P.M. EDGEWOOO JR. <br />Class M1egms January 11 <br />�1F.N'S AQUATIC CLU� <br />Water exercise for betror (ualth antl.vi2aUiy. A��iOhtOUE1Yi <br />guys! Participate in inform�l fWiltimiiq, w�Gr qpl4 iti� <br />baske,ttralh Feeis$9.00�orBsessions. Mimmum�8: <br />THURSOAV 8:00�8:45P.M. EDGEW006 JR,"�. <br />Class begins.January 73 � <br />REGISTEREll FAMILY SWIM <br />The Edyewood Poo� has been set aside for family switns C <br />days from 7:OD to 7:46 R M. Advanpd rpittqtlon h nMf <br />at a reduced rate of 59.00 par family�� for 10 f�ntbn�. AtN� <br />parent must uccompany children at.all 6wNn Muion� 1M�I11 <br />20— Maximum 50. Class begins: January 1;4�. �. � <br />SYNCHRONIZED SW[M <br />Gals of all ages can ledm the water Irallet of 5yltchri <br />swimming. Participants mus[ have art intermediate� :9�Yn <br />ability.. Minimum 8, mazimum 28. Fee is $9.t10 fot 1� <br />mimtte sessinns, � . .. <br />SATURDkV 12;06f2:45 P.M,I� EDGEWQ00 J.R.'.. <br />� � Cfass Ixgins Jaauary�l5 <br />�FridW . �. . . .. .. . . � <br />Seturday . . . . . - . . - <br />
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