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PICKAR ELECTED MAYOR <br />In tl�e NovemDerGeneral Eleetion Mountls View voters selectetlJO�n E. <br />Piekar to serve aa Mayor tor the next two yeers. Judith A. Rowley entl <br />GordOn J. 2iebert� were electetl to four year Cou�cit Mamber Mrms. <br />Couneil MamDers Dorwitl C. Hodges aaA Hoge� W. Baumgartner were <br />�wt up fo� election. Their terms run ior iwo more years. The elactian <br />rosulb wxe as foliows: <br />pwMbn e�Mtl�h roM <br />Mayor L. Jerry Blanchard 2,Q54 <br />Lee Hull 364 <br />JOHN E. PICKAR 2,570 <br />Council MemOer Russell A. Pahl 950 <br />JU61TH A. ROWLEY 2.SH <br />James C. SchlicMmann 1,523 <br />GORDON J. 21EBARTH 2,630 <br />Tom Dou9herty Iwrite-inl t <br />Tre newly eleete0 oHicials will take oNite in January. <br />This election brought out more MounCS View wters Man any prevfoua <br />eleetion. Precinct jutlges were kept busy all Oay long procesemg the <br />5,585 vo[e�a w�o appeared ai tne polls. In spile o/ Ihe large Wm-out IM <br />eleClion was contluctetl with a minimum ot proElema. The lireleea <br />eflorts of all those w�o servetl as election juOgea wea resporro�0le lor <br />t�is success. <br />In the statewi0e "VOtinqest CitY" contest Mountls View p1�ceA tNrA m <br />t�e Eest registered anA mwt improveO registrallon celagoriee. 92%0l <br />Me ciry'seligiDlevotMS registered. The city placetl eevenlh in Ihe vote� <br />tumrout categorywith 73%. The MounES View League ol Womon Voters <br />Election Services Committee, chaireA Oy Betty Skelly, conducletl e <br />vigorous voter registrotion cempaign thal was pnmarily reeDOnnible br <br />the city's remarkable voting pertormance <br />6ranta Available <br />For Home Improvemen� <br />MounW Viswi�on�ol rawn eltla� in q�m�ey Counly Ihn nws riealvSJ <br />Nnds.hom tM�: Mlnn�Wl� Nou�Mp uM Flnmq Apx�ey lo omMucl b <br />homs imp/wr�nt qnnt propwm. Tha Oropnm b belnp Nlminl�terstl <br />Dy tM�AMtropolB�n Counc�l MouNnp md R�A�wlopm�M Aut�oruy <br />TM clry na tiwn aw�rha ss.JEO. <br />Thb moMy will M EbtrlbulsA Outlnp tY77 In Ihe farm ol pnnU to <br />InA1W0u�1 �om�pwmn la dlpf�ls improvemam prqjseN. Prbrlly wul <br />M OIYM W.�IANIy ��IICMb �OU 10 Ml19y rsUtM improvbmsnU <br />MOwN�r. OtMr �pplbHloro will Da �CCeplad �nd m�Y D� lundetl il <br />monlN tl� w�H�EN. TM Clry 1� OUCUnInp wll� Ihs FinlBUla B�nk ol <br />Nwv BtlpMon poNIW� Wtllllon�l We01np o11hu0ropr�m Ihrpuph FH� <br />Hom� Improwm�nt lwm lo ppBUnh who tlo nol rocawe pnma <br />TM MounW VNw Hum�n RIp�U Commiuion wa1 �e�ve e� � reeowce <br />lor rMlWnb wM dNirs o�l�t�nce In compleunp �PPUCenon lorm� <br />TM lorm� wlll M wN1�bM J�nu�ry 17, 1979 The epplw�tmn tlusdllno <br />wlll W F�Mmry 7!, �ntl I�a ynnl� wtl1 he �wertletl by Mey 1 To ho <br />�IIp10b ippllCtlkM� muN mwi IM bllowinp crllsnn. <br />11FCIMlNT Iq Mbm rwiM m Ihenonie In iw �mOruren enn m oi I �. a1 mxw unn m�m nwum �n <br />x IlPMIwM9.Pe�� uieom� �enaem��n M.wcunwnu � ai �o imm n�:wn. ix. iann.� ��ue� <br />na..wN N.Gm <br />Mtlk(IItY1flMwlMtlnpinbMqbmm�nrilal�re�nul��ol��yfro. V1M�alm�x,1 <br />tll �pppeq�M IanmY ceMR �9� W n11�.waonTnr rm nln,�� r.,u, � e� o� gi n � n,.i oe �n n <br />10 �XIpInY� �u4p YIIIfNV�AY <br />IMW1bYFM[Nib 10 Nm11w IMrmenun� ii�� Gm� rpvw.:i �IUet�ui�une �nni anu.i nuoer <br />tlwlM���1Y. ar M!r(�y ulOPxrnsr �51 Muel inaxl n01��������rv I�o�INny rnr ann rmx�ln cuiu�� <br />InNr��IM �ppllCllnt� flroultl eonl�rl �Ily hell. 7BA-906fi. nller Jonunry <br />bl. <br />Council Changea Meeting Time <br />r-� ' <br />The City Council nes cnengetl the atarlinp lime Iw ila royul�rmMUnps <br />�the secon0 and tourth MonOays ol eaeh monlh) irom 8:00 to 7:00 P:M. <br />T�is will allow cilizen's repueeta lo be hantlletl at an� asrller hou! en0 �� <br />may allow earlier adjoumment ol ihe meetingl � � � . <br />Strike By Maintenance <br />Crews Possible <br />On Decem6er 7ih the mamDenhlp ol Ihe Internatlonal UniOn o� <br />OperaUng Engineere, Locel No. �9, volesl to relact I�s Itlest <br />maneBemenl contrecl o/ler. Local No. 68 reDreeante t�s m�inlen�nca <br />employces ol 21 metropolitan area munieipaHilee. Includinp Mountls <br />View. T�e municlpalNlee are repre�Mtetl fn barpelMng talks��by the �� <br />MelroOOlflan A�ee Menepement Aewciatio�. <br />ThB Cuf/enl ConlnCl betwaan Lac�l No. IB md ihs muoiCipMitfse� <br />eapire� Jenuary 1, 1977. II �proemenl on contncl termi hq not bean <br />�eachetl Dy then. Ihe unlon memEan�ip will bs Iree lo �trlke. <br />Tne clly ha� prepare0 elrlka caoUnpency plem end Aoa� nOt axpact a <br />eeriou� tlbru0��on ol elly eervfce� il e stHke oeeurt. In the event of s <br />slrlke c�lltenll ehoultl conUnus to mtlly ifle cNy. 78�•3055, immsCiately <br />of any water or �ewer �srvfca pmblsma Sireet mowplowinp �arviCes� <br />ere provldetl by conlracl w1U Rsmeey County anA will eot be aXeotetl <br />by a 6h1Me. Plowing enC Iloodinp ol �OCkBy antl pleaeure rinks will be <br />perbrmed Dy cily aupervi�ory Denonnel. <br />the menpgamenl gller, whic� wa� rs�ecletl Dacember 7th, prop06etl- " <br />two year Conlrecl. The olbf CelleC lor � 376 pBr hour inCfaase in 197: . <br />'" ECit�. �: �0: Fs: Ir. !?79. ?ng Cn•eM W.a. 2f MounAx <br />V�ew melnlensnee employees Is 5822 pm hour. The ofter aleo propoaetl <br />Ihal erry new employeen hiretl in the �ulure be placetl in an apprentice <br />calepOry. !he epP�enUCe Woultl starl BI 90Mo ol t�e joufney level selery <br />entl reech thel level ailer compleling two yeers' service. <br />the msnepemenl oller el�o provlAeO �or an inereaee in theaitys shere <br />al asch employee's heallh ineunnce to 55�.50 pe� month in 1977 and. �� �. <br />567.60 �n 1978. Cunantly Ue cily paya SIt.66 per monU�toward. . <br />employue he�llh in�urance. . <br />The /olal packepa woultl have Eeen a 12.8 pereent increase in monetary <br />beoellb. Inclutling Den�ioo conlriOWiona, over ihe iwo yBar fqntract <br />penoa <br />North 8uburban <br />O�y ActtvNy Center <br />�ha Nalh 9uhurb�n Day Aetivity Center. locate� at 433 Eest Little <br />Gn�d� Ro�q, Little Cenatls, Is an eOUCational program for ' <br />tlsvelopm�ntally ddeyatl, menlally retertletl and cerebrel pelaied <br />in0lWdu�ls who re�l0e In the northweatern suW rba of Remisy County. —� <br />Mounde View provldea perliel IunOing for this O�ogrem. _ <br />The Ceoter wrves paoDle /rom the ages o1 biqh to 2'h m ihe iniant <br />slimulallon proBram, whioh ia eonducted in the ehild's home; a� <br />pre�chool O�a9ram lor chiltlre� 2�h to 5 years of age: en0 an �adult <br />proprem lor Ihoee peopla :7 years ol age anE oltler. <br />Ali D�oB�ams are contlucleA SeO�embe� through Jul1'. the Cenfer i� <br />oOanMontlaylhroughfriAaylrom8:45to2:30fwparticipants.NOfeeis �� <br />the�de0. Traoaportation is DroviOed. � . . <br />Anyone inlerealetl in utilizing services oi the Cente� sho�dA phone <br />484-8850 lor an apPlication. <br />